Do you remember the incident that propelled the “Black Lives Matter” movement to prominence? 

It was the Aug. 9, 2014, death of 18-year-old Ferguson, MO., resident Michael Brown, who was shot and killed by then-police officer Darren Wilson because he attacked the officer and attempted to steal his handgun.

You may recall the incident was one of many that the then-race baiter in chief, Barack Obama, and his radicalized Justice Department swooped in to politicize. 

As protests and violence springing from the incident flared, a false narrative that was perpetuated and enabled by the garbage mainstream media emerged: “Hands up, don’t shoot.”

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The lie was that the young Brown, who had committed a strong-arm robbery of a small shop minutes before engaging with Wilson (which is why Wilson was responding in the first place) was really trying to surrender when he was simply gunned down by a rogue white cop who had been looking for an opportunity to snuff out an unarmed black man.

The ‘hands up’ lie was so profound that even Obama’s Justice Department had to admit it.

Writing in The Hill last year as Democratic presidential contenders began lining up to challenge President Trump, investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson noted: 

The problem is, all of the racially tinged accusations against Officer Wilson were likely false, according to the final analysis by President Obama’s Department of Justice. The report, issued in 2015, found that Officer Wilson’s accounts were corroborated. He’d acted in self-defense. Brown, the report said, had reached into the police vehicle and grabbed Officer Wilson by the neck. And Brown appeared to be lunging toward Officer Wilson when Officer Wilson shot him in self-defense.  

Additional evidence from the St. Louis County Office of the Medical Examiner found that Brown’s hands were down.

Witnesses also said that Brown did not have his hands raised and that he was charging at Wilson despite the officer’s commands for him to stop.

Then-Attorney General Eric Holder ordered his Justice Department to conduct an investigation. They found that Brown did everything wrong and Wilson did everything right. No civil rights violations or other charges were forthcoming from the DoJ.

And a grand jury convened in the wake of the incident also never referred Wilson for criminal charges.

But the entire case remained up in the air until Thursday – of this week – because the partisan Leftist hacks at the St. Louis Prosecuting Attorney’s Office had kept the case ‘under review.’ Now, the office has finally decided there won’t be any charges.

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“Although this case represents one of the most significant moments in St. Louis’s history, the question to this office is a simple one: Could we prove beyond a reasonable doubt that when Darren Wilson shot Michael Brown, he committed murder or manslaughter under Missouri law? After an independent and in-depth review of the evidence, we cannot prove that he did,” prosecutor and Wesley Bell announced

But he couldn’t just leave it there. No.

“I also want to be clear that our investigation does not exonerate Darren Wilson. The question of whether we can prove a case at trial is different than clearing him of any and all wrongdoing,” Bell, St. Louis County’s first black prosecutor, added.

That’s outrageous. If there is no evidence indicating that Wilson did something wrong, there is, by default, evidence indicating that he did not. But Bell is a Left-wing hack first and, obviously, a prosecutor second.

This case should never have taken this long to adjudicate. Anyone who believes that justice in America is blind or even colorblind needs to think again. 


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.