The education system was invaded by radicals in the 1960s with progressives intentionally going into teaching and school administrations in schools, junior colleges, and universities nationwide.

They used the underlying principle of Marxism and early versions of what would become social justice activism, Critical Race Theory, and the overtly racist concept of white frugality. These anti-American educators rolled out the updated curricula for their unsuspecting students and their parents.

The teacher’s unions, which have received outside funding and “donations”, fully embraced the left’s social justice doctrine and are requiring all their teachers to fall in line with their national organization’s radical agenda.

The results after 60-plus years? Failing schools from coast to coast, highly divided student bodies, anti-Capitalism and pro-Communism sentiments and classes increasing by the semester.

Recently the left has gotten behind the 1619 Project, an error-ridden attempt to revise how American history is taught, significantly. The project was created by a racist, Nikole Hannah-Jones, who is a reporter for the far-left New York Times.

Jones launched the project in August 2019, promoting her claim that it was the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the first enslaved Africans in colonial Virginia. In 1619, she insists a group of “twenty and odd” captive Africans arrived in the Virginia Colony.

Her thesis is America was built on the back of slaves, so 1619 is the real year America was founded, not 1776.

One of the main assertions in her highly disputed material is; “One critical reason that the colonists declared their independence from Britain was because they wanted to protect the institution of slavery in the colonies, which had produced tremendous wealth.”

Yes, Jones’ opinion is that the real reason for the Civil War was that the white supremacists in the new land were unwilling to give up slavery, leading them into a sure-lose battle with the most powerful nation on Earth at the time, Britain. Flat out wrong with no facts to back up her racist assertions.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has announced he is fighting back against the bogus 1619 Project, Social Justice & Critical Race Theory indoctrination, with the truth.

The popular Republican governor has decided it’s time for teachers in the Sunshine State, to stop the nonsense and teach real, historically verifiable history again.

DeSantis announced that he was establishing a Civic Literacy Excellence Initiative to give better education to Florida students.

Part of it includes training Florida teachers on the true history of America. is reporting:

Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced $106 million to establish the Civic Literacy Excellence Initiative. The funding will be used to create and award qualified teachers with the Florida Civics Seal of Excellence, which includes a $3,000 bonus for educators who complete training to earn the endorsement.”

“The funding will also be used for Florida’s civics curriculum and to expedite the implementation of Florida’s B.E.S.T. Standards in Florida’s K-12 public schools.”

“We have a responsibility to ensure our students are prepared to be great citizens,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “That is why we created a new civics curriculum in Florida and are making this important investment of more than $106 million. By July 4, 2026, our country’s 250th anniversary, we will make sure every K-12 student in Florida is educated with our new civics’ curriculum.”

Florida’s new training presents the America that was founded by Pilgrims and other settlers fleeing the tyrannical reign of European monarchs. They were primarily of the Christian faith, promoting the ideals of the U.S. being the city on a hill, giving hope to everyone who hit its shores.

The American teachers, on the other hand, are objecting to the curriculum and claim that it has Christian and conservative ideology infused into it.

Well since American history consists of Christian, conservative leaders, who were the political and civic leaders during the early years of our nation, both groups must be included in the recorded history of it.

The Miami Herald reported:

“When Gov. Ron DeSantis announced the initiative last April, he said that it was designed to “ensure our students are prepared to be great citizens.”

“But several South Florida high school educators who sat through the first three-day session last week said they were alarmed that the state’s teaching methodology was infused with a Christian and conservative ideology.”

Let the battle continue in the formerly purple state of Florida.

The state under DeSantis’ successful leadership through COVID and other issues including education, has now shifted to a solidly red state following the relocation of over 1 million more conservative Americans fleeing the tyrannical rule in blue states like CA and New York.

By: Eric Thompson, editor of Follow me on Twitter and MagaBook


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.