Most Americans have been wondering if and when we would see some of the Obama officials involved in the coup against President Donald Trump brought to justice.
While Attorney General William Barr is getting to the bottom of how the Russia witch hunt began, a new bombshell report about former CIA Director John Brennan is sending shockwaves.
According to a column from Larry C. Johnson, who is a former analyst at the CIA, Brennan created a secret task force to combat the election of Trump.
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Johnson says the “invitation-only” task force was created in early 2016.
Johnson says the average American has no idea how badly Brennan wanted to stop Trump because he desperately wanted to get Hillary Clinton into the White House.
Brennan was so desperate, according to Johnson, that it led to him creating this secret task force with the mission of spying on and carrying out covert actions against the campaign of then-candidate Trump.
He goes on to say this task force was not just a simple gathering of anti-Trump intel officials, but rather highly trained spies who sought to destroy Trump.
Johnson writes:
I am told by an knowledgeable source that Brennan created a Trump Task Force in early 2016. It was an invitation only Task Force. Specific case officers (i.e., men and women who recruit and handle spies overseas), analysts and admin personnel were recruited. Not everyone invited accepted the offer. But many did.
This was not a CIA only operation. Personnel from the FBI also were assigned to the Task Force. We have some clues that Christopher Steele’s FBi handler, Michael Gaeta, may have been detailed to the Trump Task Force.
So what kind of things would this Task Force do? The case officers would work with foreign intelligence services such as MI-6, the Italians, the Ukrainians and the Australians on identifying intelligence collection priorities. Task Force members could task NSA to do targeted collection. They also would have the ability to engage in covert action, such as targeting George Papadopoulos.
Joseph Mifsud may be able to shed light on the CIA officers who met with him, briefed on operational objectives regarding Papadopoulos and helped arrange monitored meetings. I think it is highly likely that the honey pot that met with George Papadopoulos, a woman named Azra Turk, was part of the CIA Trump Task Force.
The Task Force also could carry out other covert actions, such as information operations. A nice sounding euphemism for propaganda, and computer network operations. There has been some informed speculation that Guccifer 2.0 was a creation of this Task Force.
Johnson goes on to discuss the recent “unmasking” of Schiff’s secret “whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella, and how he could have played a vital role in this “task force.”
Johnson argues that while what Brennan allegedly did was illegal, the CIA has carried out other illegal acts in the name of supposedly “protecting American interests.”
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These explosive allegations serve as another reminder of what Obama-era officials were willing to do in order to take down Trump and stop him from becoming president.