During Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation hearing on Tuesday, far-left Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar tried stumping Barrett but failed miserably.

The confrontation started after Klobuchar tried hammering Barrett for a “term” that she used in one of her articles.

“I can just give you the same answer that I just did,” Barrett said. “I’m using a term in that article that is from the scholarly literature. It’s actually one that was developed by scholars that are certainly not conservative scholars who take a more progressive approach to the constitution.”

“And again as Richard Fallon from Harvard said, Roe is not a super precedent because calls for its overruling have never ceased but that doesn’t mean that Roe should be overruled,” Barrett said as she gave Klobuchar a little history lesson. “It just means that it doesn’t fall on the small handful of cases like Marbury vs. Madison and Brown vs. the board that no one questions anymore.”

Klobuchar replied, “Is United States for Virginia military, is that super precedent?”

Barrett responded with a backhand: “Senator Klobuchar, if you continue to ask questions about super precedents that aren’t on the list of the super precedents that I discussed in the article that are well acknowledged in the Constitutional law literature, every time you ask the question, I’ll have to say that I can’t grade it.”


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