College tudents typically aren’t known for supporting the GOP or insulting leftists. Though conservatism might have become a bit more popular under Trump thanks to his high energy and hilarious comments, it still has generally been rare to meet conservative college students.
But, as with many things, President Brandon may be taking a wrecking ball to even that. Just watch these D.C. students react to Campus Reform’s Addison Smith tell them about inflation and describe the added cost they’ll see this Thanksgiving thanks to Slow Joe. They aren’t happy, and some are even willing to place the blame on Biden:
As Campus Reform notes in its article on the video, “Last year, Americans enjoyed the least-expensive Thanksgiving dinner in decades. Just one year later, and on the heels of sky-high inflation, reports warn that this time around could be the most costly Thanksgiving feast in American history.”
Campus Reform isn’t lying; the cost of Thanksgiving is up this year. According to Axios, it’s up 14%, a full 8% above the supposed 6% inflation rate.
And, as you can hear in the video, students can see that, or, if they somehow missed it, still react with shock and horror to massive price increases we’re seeing under the Biden Regime. Some might not have thought about it or known about the Thanksgiving inflation, but, when told, they all react negatively. That negative response is bad news for Team Brandon; even students are pissed about Bidenflation.
Yet worse for Team Brandon, many said that American families were better off financially under President Donald Trump than under Biden. One even claimed that his “liberal” friends prefer Trump or Obama’s economy to Biden’s! Another noted how terrible the Bidenflation would be for families.
That’s a massive shift in attitude in attitude in the space of only a few months. According to Forbes in August of 2020, “college students prefer Joe Biden for President over Donald Trump by nearly a 4:1 margin, 70% to 18%.” Did that video make it sound like Biden is still the favorite on campus by a 4:1 margin?
Nope; Brandon’s support is plummeting in all the polls and this video makes it clear that his support is plummetting among college students too.
So, while Biden might have held a 50-point lead among college students over Trump at one point, that lead is going up in the same smoke as the American dollar. Hence why Biden’s support is vanishing. If even those that are typically the staunchest leftists won’t support him in a video, it’s no wonder that a Quinnipiac poll found he now only has a 36% approval rating.
And, with student loan forgiveness excluded from the $2 trillion spending bill, it’s doubtful his support will increase among the student demographic that should be a leftist bastion. Many leftist students and recent graduates hoped student loans would be forgiven, so their disappointment could very well spill into becoming anger directed toward the Biden regime.
Those students, now struggling under ever-higher prices, not receiving the student loan forgiveness promised them by leftists running in 2020, and having to watch the disaster that is President Brandon every day, might finally be waking up to the fact that the leftist liars can’t give them everything they want.
Even better, as their comments that the economy was better off under Trump might show, perhaps they’re even recognizing that the GOP, whatever its faults, is far better at running the country than the leftists. Only time will tell, but this video is a step in the right direction.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of Follow me on Parler and Gettr.