The vast majority of all US counties, have officially been designated “Second Amendment sanctuaries” There are now 1,930 counties protected by second amendment sanctuary legislation, at either the state or county level. That is nearly two-thirds of US counties, it represents 61% of the 3,141 counties.

A number of sheriffs across the nation pledged to uphold the Second Amendment; which actually includes every single sheriff in Utah. This is an across-the-board measure that involves grassroot citizen efforts, legislators, and law enforcement in nearly 40 states.

The Second Amendment seems to have won… for now at least. The icing on the cake, is that gun sales have been surging, as of late. The Washington Examiner reported that Biden’s reckless Second Amendment rhetoric has driven a surge in purchases for weapons in June.

Mark Oliva, the spokesman for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, said:

“It cannot be discounted that the continued elevated level of increased firearm purchases is driven, in part, by the gun control overtures by the Biden administration. As we head into Independence Day, Americans are exercising their right to keep and bear arms in record numbers even as the Biden administration is throwing up roadblocks to keep that from happening. These factors continue to drive the elevated levels of gun sales: the nomination of David Chipman, a gun control lobbyist to run the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), the proposed rules to reclassify firearm receivers as well as pistols equipped with stabilizing arm braces under the National Firearms Act, and repeated calls to repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA). The Biden administration is determined to use every lever within reach to stifle and disrupt the free exercise of Second Amendment rights which begin with the ability of citizens who obey the law to freely approach the gun counter.”

Industry officials said that June sales were the second highest ever for the month, at about 1.3 million. Only June 2020 had a higher number for that month, at 2,177,586.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.