In the span of seconds, one viral clip online is effectively ending the conversation around the “green” and “planetary-friendly” adoption of electric vehicles. Not using fossil fuels is a sellable idea, but only if complete idiots don’t realize that they are being taken for a ride.

Unfortunately, we are surrounded by idiots.

General Motors CEO Mary Barra counts as one of them. Although she certainly has to know that electricity for battery-powered cars isn’t generated out of thin air, I am convinced leftists also believe their own lies. Sure, her speech might be fraudulent and misleading, but it’s too generous to say she’s an evil Bond villain. Let’s not undersell her abject stupidity. She thinks electric vehicles will make the world a cleaner place.

The only problem with this notion is that EVs need their batteries boosted. When a battery runs low, where does everyone think the “fuel” comes from? One reporter asked that question to CEO Barra and here is how she handled it:

Reporter: “So what’s charging the batteries right now? What’s the source of electricity?”

Barra: “Well, here, it’s coming from the building.”

Reporter: “What’s your mix of power?”

Barra: “Oh, actually, Lansing feeds the building. Lansing feeds power to the building, So I don’t know. I bet they’re a bit of coal. They’re heavy on natural gas, aren’t they?”

It doesn’t get much more disingenuous than this. In the big push for eliminating fossil fuels from your personal car – a symbol of complete freedom for Americans – the climate change zealots and tyrants ignore the obvious reality that removing gasoline doesn’t end whatever fossil fuel reliance they wish to magically disappear.

The end of the clip presents the coup de grace, where the intrepid reporter, who is really asking a straightforward and mundane question, exposes these idiot fraudsters for what they are:

Reporter: “Right now the car is charging off your grid.”

Director: “They’re charging off our grid, which is 95% coal.”

The corrupt American body-politic and narrative over “going green” is bad enough at face value, but it becomes even more maddening when considering what happens worldwide. For a sense of perspective on the inane climate policies being thrust in every American’s face, Robert Bryce offers the clearest sense of imbalance:

“China and India have announced plans to increase their domestic coal production by a combined total of 700 million tons per year. For perspective, US coal production this year will total about 600 million tons.”

He continues:

“Adding the 700 million tons of new coal that China and India will be mining to the amount they are now producing leads to some staggering numbers. By the end of next year, China will be producing about 4.4 billion tons of coal per year and India will be mining about 1.2 billion tons. Add those together and you get 5.6 billion tons of coal, which is more than 9 times the amount of coal that will be mined in the U.S. this year. “

Hailey Sanibel fiercely loves freedom. She is a contributing author at Trending Politics and writes regularly at The Blue State Conservative.
