During a Sunday appearance on MSNBC, Secretary of Homeland Security Mayorkas discussed the terror threat facing the country and said that the real threat is posed not by those Islamic terrorists that crashed planes into the Twin Towers and Pentagon on 9/11, but rather “domestic extremists.” In his words:

The threat landscape has evolved considerably over the last 20 years. We are seeing an emerging threat of course over the last several years of the domestic violent extremists, an ideology of hate, anti-government sentiment, false narratives propagated on online platforms, even personal grievances.

In other words, “because the bad orange man is mean on Twitter and some guy wandered around the Capitol in a buffalo hat, the real threat is anyone and everyone in a MAGA hat, particularly now that they’re mad the FBI raided the home of the political opposition.”

Well, Fox News Channel’s Greg Gutfeld wasn’t having it. He ripped into Secretary Mayorkas with a vengeance on a segment of The Five, saying that by turning the sights of the government on “domestic extremists” on 9/11, Mayorkas was essentially “taking a crap on 9/11”. In his words:

I was going to talk about the polling, but I didn’t even see that, you know — that is a government official basically taking a crap on 9/11.

“He basically marginalized the memories of those people by equating it to some kind of political agenda. It’s absolutely disgusting.”

One of Gutfeld’s co-hosts, Dana Perino jumped in as well and pointed out what made Mayorkas’ comment all the more awful, saying:

“He did it there at Ground Zero. It wasn’t even that he was asked about it. He wanted to make that point. He said let me add the concern on domestic terrorism. That’s what you’ll see all of the Democrats do. Kamala Harris did it yesterday on ‘Meet the Press’ as well. So, you have all of that happening. In the meantime, you’ve got terrorists, the actual terrorists. They’re not on our timeline.”

“You have somebody like the Homeland Security Secretary at Ground Zero saying that it’s beyond disappointing, also not surprising.”

The referenced Kamala Harris remark is when Cackling Kamala Harris, appearing on Meet the Press for a long interview with Chuck Todd, said, when asked by Chuck Todd if the “threat from within” is “equal or greater to what we faced after 9/11” that the “threat” is “very dangerous”.

She then went on to complain about how horrible Republicans, the constituent members of that threat, are, saying:

“Well, you couple that with people who hold some of the highest elected offices in our country, who refuse to condemn an insurrection on January 6th. And I think what it sends is a signal that causes people to question, ‘Hey, is America still valuing what they talk about?’ — which is the integrity of democracies, which means protecting a rule of law and the sanctity of these systems and speaking up when they are attacked.

“And I’m very concerned about it, Chuck. I’ll tell you, I’m very concerned about it, because there are so many issues going on in the world that I think require at least how we as Americans have traditionally thought about what is right, what is good, what should be fought for, what should be human ideals, and certainly the ideals of democracies. And I think that through the process of what we’ve been through, we’re starting to allow people to call into question our commitment to those principles. And that’s a shame.”

So from Mayorkas to Kamala, they view you as the enemy. Remember that.

By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Facebook and Subscribe to My Email List
