HBO’s resident leftist, Bill Maher, is a walking, talking model of hypocrisy, and conservatives aren’t about to let him forget it.

During his Friday program, he brought on one of the most egregious liars on MSNBC, ‘intelligence community’ contributor and former U.S. Navy chief petty officer Malcolm Nance, who – like all black leftists – blanketly claimed President Donald Trump’s 70-plus million voters are all racists (another massive lie).

“They have been on-air saying this: These people have revealed themselves for the racists that they are, the tribalists that they are, they don’t care about ‘E Pluribus Unum,’ ‘from many, one,’ they care about ‘got mine and, you know, you shouldn’t get anything of yours,’” Nance claimed, without providing a single example of a Trump supporter who actually said something like that.

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“You think that’s every Trump voter?” Maher said, offering a little pushback, the Daily Mail reported

Nance saw the opportunity to double down with his hatred and bigotry.

“They voted for this consciously, knowing what Donald Trump stood for, for the last four years,” he said. “It’s almost a level of fanaticism that I’ve only seen in cult groups and Middle East terrorist groups.”

That’s not simply false, but it’s outrageous to compare conservative voters to terrorists. This moron obviously can’t identify a ‘cult’ because he refuses to realize that he’s a member of one: The Democratic Party.

But that’s what leftists do when they are seeking to dehumanize their political opponents; that makes it easier for them to justify heinous acts against us in the future like, say, singling us out with a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” for the ‘crime’ of supporting a president. 

Nance then went straight-up racist when he called the massive vehicle caravans of Trump supporters “vanilla ISIS.”

Oh, how ‘clever.’ 

“Trump did a lot better with the black vote than he did last time,” Maher noted, correctly.

In his closing monologue, Maher went on to say that Americans must “stop seeing each other as deplorable,” which is similar to a message he relayed on his Oct. 30 program

But let’s not kid ourselves: Bill Maher has spent the past four years’ of Trump’s presidency blasting his supporters and calling us every vile name in the book to get a cheap laugh from the like-minded haters who watch him.

Even in his ‘plea for civility’ two weeks ago, his bile for Trump supporters was front and center.

“Let’s not have a civil war with the Trumpers,” he said amid reports of post-election violence if Trump won. “We’re no good at war and they’re no good at being civil. Let’s skip the civil war and go right to reconciliation.”

Civil? Never mind that it’s been lunatics on his side of the political spectrum who have lashed out at, attacked, and even killed Trump’s supporters for the past four years

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And who can forget that time in January 2019 when Maher said it was “so hard” not to call the president’s supporters stupid?

Not us.

Bill Maher calling for civility now that it appears his presidential candidate may have won has all the credibility of Kim Jong-un telling his people they really do have a choice for ‘Dear Leader.’


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.