Soon after it was revealed that illegal aliens are trying to “buy kids” to help them cross the border into the United States, Sen. Ted Cruz launched a missile at Democrats in Congress.

Cruz traveled to the Rio Grande Valley sector this week to observe firsthand what is happening at the border, and he wasted little time putting do-nothing Democrats on blast.

“A lot of politicians like to talk about their enormous compassion, their enormous virtue,” Cruz said.

“Let me tell you, nobody who is compassionate, nobody who is virtuous, nobody who gives a d— about human beings, would want even a single day to perpetuate these loopholes and put more children in harm’s way,” he added.

“We ought to be angry,” Cruz said. “We ought to be angry at politicians who wash their hands of this problem.”


Cruz’s fiery comments came after U.S. border authorities verified that many illegal aliens are using children — who aren’t theirs — to try to enter the United States.

Soon after the U.S. confirmed this, Mexican officials also went public and said they have seen illegal immigrants in Tijuana preying on vulnerable, single mothers in shelters by suggesting they sell their children to them.

The Seattle Times reports that Tijuana law enforcement authorities are “warning migrant mothers to keep their children close by and supervised, after reports of men offering to purchase migrant children in order to cross.” 

The Seattle Times quoted one woman from Honduras confessing, “I can’t go to work because I can’t take my eyes off my boys,” adding that the men have offered roughly $350 to buy children in Tijuana. 

She concluded, “They want to rob our kids so they can cross into the United States.”

When she served as Homeland Security Secretary in 2018, Kirstjen Nielsen warned Democrats about these operations.

She told the National Sheriffs’ Association:

Let me take a minute to walk you through a few of the legal loopholes that DHS must confront every day and the solutions we have requested from Congress. The effects of our broken system are felt in all communities – not just those on the border.
First, under existing law, certain unaccompanied alien children from Mexico and Canada who enter illegally and have no valid claim to stay can be quickly returned home, but unaccompanied children from every other country in the world must be transferred to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) within 72 hours and then released to parents or guardians in the United States. This is a significant pull factor that encourages these children to make the dangerous journey north.
Additionally, when a child is apprehended with their parents, DHS is required – due to various court rulings – to release that child within 20 days. As I mentioned earlier, this effectively creates a “get out of jail free” card for families and groups who pose as families. Unsurprisingly, word of this loophole has spread across the world. From October 2017 to this February, DHS saw a staggering 315 percent increase in illegal aliens fraudulently using children to pose as family units to gain entry into the country, compared to the previous year.

Democrats didn’t care then, and they still don’t care now.
