Unable to defeat President Trump legitimately by presenting a positive set of ideas for the nation, Democrats are determined to rig the election and vote by mail is exactly the way to do it.

With the political leadership in the United States paralyzed by fear of the mob and being accused of racism, the push to implement this scheme in time for November’s election is picking up steam. 

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Using the coronavirus as a reason to justify this radical change in how America votes, the Resistance is rapidly moving in for the kill with little opposition from Republicans in Congress. 

Attorney General William Barr has warned of the dangers of vote by mail which he says will “open the floodgates to fraud” and will undermine public confidence in the integrity of elections. 

The nation’s top law enforcement officer made his comments in a extensive interview with Maria Bartiromo on “Sunday Morning Futures” which was broadcast yesterday. 

AG Barr also spoke of the intensification of censorship by unaccountable Big Tech corporations which are clearly meddling in the election. 

Via Fox Business, “AG Barr ‘worried’ about censorship, mail-in ballots ahead of 2020 presidential election”:

Attorney General William Barr expressed concern about censorship and the use of mail-in ballots ahead of the 2020 presidential election during an interview with FOX Business Network anchor Maria Bartiromo to air Sunday.

“I’m worried about a number of things going into the election,” Barr said. “One, the censorship of robust debate. I’m also worried about undermining the public confidence in the integrity of the elections.”

The Trump administration has raised concerns that widespread use of mail-in ballots during the 2020 presidential election would result in voter fraud. In May, Trump threatened to cut federal funding to the state of Michigan after local officials sent absentee ballot applications to voters.

“The thing we have going for us – especially when there’s intense division in the country – is that we have peaceful transfers of power and the way of solving it is to have an election,” Barr told Bartiromo. “But when governments, state governments, start adopting these practices like mail-in ballots that open the floodgates of potential fraud, then people’s confidence in the outcome of the election is going to be undermined.”

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Via the partial transcript:

BARTIROMO: Devin Nunes said: “There is not a more important issue than this issue. The American people are being censored. Conservatives are being censored. The information flowing to the American people is being censored. Are you worried about this going into the election?

BARR: Yes, I am worried about censorship. I’m worried about a number of things going into the election, one, the censorship of robust debate. I’m also worried about undermining the public confidence in the integrity of the elections. The thing we have going for us, especially when there’s intense division in the country, is that we have peaceful transfers of power. And our way of resolving it is to have an election. But when government, state governments start adopting these practices like mail-in ballots that open the floodgates of potential fraud, then people’s confidence in the outcome of the election is going to be undermined. And that could take the country to a very dark place, if we lose confidence in the outcomes of our elections. So, that, the censorship — the censorship has a number of effects. It also — free speech, being able to get your viewpoint out, is a release. It takes some of the pressure out. If people are prevented from expressing their views, that’s where you start getting extremism. And so the more ventilating of viewpoints we have, the healthier it is for our country.

BARTIROMO: Well, there’s a big discussion right now about mail-in voting.

BARR: Yes.

BARTIROMO: Hillary Clinton said, it’s fine, it’s fair.

BARR: Well, it absolutely opens the floodgates to fraud. Those things are delivered into mailboxes. They can be taken out. There’s questions about whether or not it even denies a secret ballot, because a lot of the states have you signing the outside of the envelope. So, the person who opens — person who opens the envelope will know how people voted. There’s no — right now, a foreign country could print up tens of thousands of counterfeit ballots, and be very hard for us to detect which was the right and which was the wrong ballot. So, I think it can — it can upset and undercut the confidence in the integrity of our elections. If anything, we should tighten them up right now.

Both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have endorsed vote by mail as has treacherous Never Trumper Mitt Romney which says all that needs to be said about it. 

If you can’t beat him, cheat him. 
