Have lefties ever asked themselves, “Gee, I wonder how many shots it’s going to take until I’m fully vaccinated per the CDC’s never-ending updates?”

Probably not, which is a big problem.

See, Democrats know how to keep the uninformed dependent on government (therefore keeping libs in power). It’s all about spreading misinformation, along with controlling the media, Hollywood, and education.

How so many millions of people can remain blind to the obvious is a question for the history books. If we’re being real, things are not looking good for America – or the world.

Not at all.

From Epoch Times:

The Air Force has rejected a medical exemption application to the military’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate from a reservist despite the member presenting proof that she has an allergy to one of the vaccine’s components.

The reservist went to a clinic in Texas and underwent allergy testing to components of the vaccine, according to a letter from a doctor that was submitted to the Air Force this week.

“She developed a positive reaction to intradermal testing to Polysorbate, indicating the potential for a significant allergic reaction to future COVID-19 vaccination,” the doctor wrote in the letter, a copy of which was reviewed by The Epoch Times.


“I respectfully recommend that the patient be granted a medical waiver for the COVID-19 vaccine,” he added.

Just days later, though, the military said the request wasn’t being granted.

Biden’s attorney general, Merrick Garland, came under a bit of fire for something he wrote all the way back in 1976 while he was a college student.

This is yet another example of cancel culture, except the left won’t care about this issue because Garland is a liberal.

Have to protect the liberal from the evil Republicans, right!?

From Breitbart:

President Joe Biden’s attorney general nominee Merrick Garland as a college student at Harvard University wrote in a review of a musical that a song about rape was one of the play’s “hilarious group numbers.”

Here’s what Garland wrote…

A combination of factors, however, keep the vocal problems from becoming disastrous. Most important are the Jones-Schmidt songs themselves, simple and engaging melodies with a few tender ballads like “Try to Remember” and some hilarious group numbers like “it Depends on what You Pay,” which provides a shopping list of rapes for sale (e.g. “the military rape–it’s done with drums and a great brass band.”)

Here are some of the lyrics…

We’ve the obvious open schoolboy rape,
With little mandolins and perhaps a cape.
The rape by coach; it’s little in request.
The rape by day, but the rape by night is best.

Just try to see it.
And you will soon agree, señors,
Invite regret,
When you can get the sort of rape
You’ll never ever forget.

You can get the rape emphatic.
You can get the rape polite.
You can get the rape with Indians:
A very charming sight.
You can get the rape on horseback;
They’ll all say it’s new and gay.
So you see the sort of rape
Depends on what you pay.
It depends on what you

