To paraphrase Pam Halpert from The Office – You don’t blame the child for knocking over the drink from the table, you blame yourself for placing the cup too close to the edge.

That’s what Democrats did in 2020. They knew Joe Biden was going to be a gigantic disaster, yet they still ran with him as their nominee.

And now we’re all suffering the consequences, whether or not some people are willing to admit it.

From National Pulse:

Joe Biden has spent 95 of his 348 days President on vacation, mostly in Delaware. That equates to a quarter of the Biden regime’s first year in office, at the time of writing, being spent doing anything other than being President during one of the most crisis-ridden times in modern human history.

Biden went back to Delaware just two and a half weeks after being sworn into office. His trips back and forth to his home state for “personal time” have been celebrated by the far-left media. They congratulate the 79-year-old for chasing his dogs around but at least he’s not playing golf.

By October 2021, Biden had sought refuge in Delaware at least 25 times. Only on one vacation did he take time away from relaxing to do his job, when he visited Dover Air Force Base for the homecoming of the 11 service members killed in a suicide bomb attack in Kabul, Afghanistan. The service members were murdered in the terror attack during Biden’s failed exit from Afghanistan and Biden was mostly noted for repeatedly checking his watch that day, for when he could leave.

Hunter Biden probably didn’t have the best childhood growing up, which is what most likely lead him to drug abuse and a life of debauchery.

Imagine your dad being a famous politician from the day you’re born, constantly seeking to attain higher office and more power.

That being said, there’s no excuse to sell out your country.

From Washington Examiner:

Hunter Biden still appears to hold an ownership stake in a Chinese government-linked firm that has invested in companies sanctioned by the United States despite repeated pledges from President Joe Biden that his family would not have any foreign business ties and claims from White House press secretary Jen Psaki that Biden’s son was ending his investment.

When the Washington Examiner asked the Biden administration whether Hunter Biden had followed through on his divestment yet, White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates said only that “we refer you to Jen’s comments and Hunter Biden’s representatives.”


Hunter Biden still appears to hold a 10% equity stake in Bohai Harvest RST (Shanghai) Equity Investment Fund Management Company, according to Chinese business records.

Through one of his lawyers, George Mesires, Hunter Biden had promised to leave the board of the Chinese firm, dubbed “BHR,” by the end of October 2019, but his resignation was submitted to China’s National Credit Information Publicity System in the spring of 2020.

