If you wondered why the vast majority of Americans do not watch CNN unless they’re trapped in an airport, it’s because the hosts the network employs and the guests those hosts put on the air obviously hate our country.

While understanding that no nation on earth is perfect (except for maybe Sweden, the only country that did not succumb to the coronavirus fear porn and shut down), the United States is certainly better than most.

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Our freedoms (when they’re not being taken away by authoritarian Democrats), our liberties, and our ability to get ahead if we put in the time and work are unparalleled the world over. You could even argue these are all reasons why so many people want to come (legally and illegally).

But on any given day, any given hour of programming, you’ll find a host or guest or both complaining about our country and making outrageous claims about it – like the one that says we are ‘systemically racist.’

No, we are not. Persons of color run large cities and police departments; they make millions of dollars per year in professional sports and entertainment; we twice elected a black man to be our president, and so forth.

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To claim that we are a country “infected” with “deep-seated racism” is, therefore, a massive lie that the Left continues to tell because it empowers them.

CNN guest host Erica Hill brought on the President of the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives Lynda Williams to spout that garbage on Friday’s “New Day” program.

Newsbusters notes

Hill egged Williams on with anti-American ranting about “the reality that deep-seated racism has infected the United States of America for hundreds of years and has been allowed to fester and grow.” Williams responded by making her own radical claims, such as, “systemic racism is just as American as apple pie.”

Hill started the segment off by patting Williams on the back for her attacks on U.S. Attorney General William Barr, who is busy trying to root out FBI and DoJ corruption while ensuring that federal property around the country is protected against vandalism and damage by Antifa goofballs. Oh, and Barr rejected the notion that there is ‘systemic racism’ throughout American law enforcement:

Hill began the segment by applauding Williams for attacking Attorney General William Barr, during a recent meeting, for his rejection of the idea that American law enforcement is plagued by systemic racism:

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HILL: You were invited to the meeting with the Attorney General with a couple dozen other folks in law enforcement. No real agenda here, just a chat, but you did take that opportunity to address the Attorney General’s comments from last month. What did you say and what was — what was his reaction?

WILLIAMS: I heard the testimony of Attorney General Barr that stated just what you played, that he did not believe that systemic racism was real. And so I pop in and say, sir, just because one does not exist — I mean, just because one does not experience something does not negate this existence. That law enforcement as a microcosm of society, and it’s to be real, but you can’t resolve a problem unless you acknowledge a problem.

Cue the ‘America sucks’ mantra.

HILL: And how did he respond to that?

WILLIAMS: He tilted his head and he responded with a question, did I think that all of law enforcement was a — was a — based on systemic racism? I said, we can’t throw a blanket on everything, but we can’t deny it. But just the very — very essence of it permeates throughout the organization and make it a racist society. And let’s be real that systemic racism is part of our American culture, it’s embedded in every facet of life. Systemic racism is just as American as apple pie and we have to acknowledge that and I — I challenged him as the Attorney General who’s the chief law enforcement officer for the entire United States to have a closed mind — I challenge him and I spoke personally that as a 30-plus year veteran in law enforcement at the federal level as well as on a local level, then I know it to be true, and for him to not acknowledge that is for him to not — not face reality of where we are, and what — what — what we — what this country consists of.

It’s no wonder CNN’s ratings continue to hang out in the cellar. By and large, Americans know that while not perfect, we have a pretty special country worth praising, fighting for, and promoting unlike the bitter trolls and losers at the cable news outlet. 


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.