On Thursday, Ana Navarro and Don Lemon aired a 5-year old clip the “anniversary” of Trump’s “Access Hollywood” tapes being released. In that clip, they were able to see a glimpse of their younger, thinner selves.

After they played the clip, Navarro said she “needed to lose a lot of weight”. Lemon agreed, saying “Same here, both of us”.

“Ana, you have been consistent then, even in 2016. You’re consistent now,” Lemon said after airing the 2016 clip. “Yet here we are in 2021 with the GOP still putting all this stock in Trump, still making excuses for him, even for the violent insurrection,” Lemon said, lying through his teeth as always.

“Yeah, I mean, listen, first of all thank you for putting that video on because I think I look really cute. I need to lose a lot of weight,” Navarro said.

“Same here. Both of us,” Lemon responded.


“But I really do think it was a harbor of things to come. We have seen since five years of hypocrisy from Republicans, willing to justify and defend anything as long as they can stay near power and they can be part of the circle of power,” the Trump-hating Navarro added.


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump