We’ve known for a long time that the mainstream media isn’t fair to President Donald Trump, while the same media outlets ran cover for his predecessor, Barack Obama, including helping the former president carry out the Spygate ‘Russian collusion’ hoax, which Trump has likened to “treason.”

But as biased as the media coverage has been thus far, a new analysis notes that it’s actually gotten worse over the past several months (and gee, it just so happens that we have an election coming up).

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Meanwhile, the same outlets have been nowhere near as negative in their coverage of presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, despite his gaffes, his temper flaring with voters, his racist comments, and his inability to remember things.

A new analysis from the Media Research Center found that networks and mainstream media were 150 times more negative in their coverage of President Trump that former Vice President Biden.

The Epoch Times reported:

Evening news has aired a plethora of negative stories against President Donald Trump while virtually ignoring presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, a study found.

NewsBusters, a project of watchdog Media Research Center, analyzed ABC, CBS, and NBC evening newscasts from June 1 through July 31. Analysts found the shows spent 512 minutes of airtime on Trump, nine times more than the 58 minutes allotted to Biden.

But that extra airtime was almost entirely negative toward Trump.

Analysts at the center found 634 of 668 evaluative statements about the president were negative, compared to four out of 12 for Biden.

“It shows a news media that is tired of being an umpire, they want to be a player,” Rich Noyes, research director at the center, told The Epoch Times.

“They’d rather be the opposition to Donald Trump than let Joe Biden do the job.”

You might think that even Left-wing biased journalists would be concerned that a man is running for president who doesn’t have a fully functional mind.

But they obviously are depending on Biden’s running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, becoming president when Biden either steps down or he is removed via the 25th Amendment. 

Either way, that’s pretty cynical – but it’s really not surprising in this day and age, given the media’s Trump Derangement Syndrome runs rampant and deep.

Beyond that, though, how about just informing voters about the candidates?

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“In a typical campaign season, broadcasts would devote time to both candidates. The uneven treatment stems in part from Biden not holding campaign events for months during the COVID-19 pandemic, Noyes said, but the former vice president is still speaking on a daily basis, has plans out for what he would implement if elected, and faces scandals including a sexual assault allegation,” The Epoch Times reported.

Courtney Parella, deputy national press secretary for the 2020 Trump campaign, told the outlet via email, “We didn’t need a study to prove what we already know. The mainstream media is openly biased against President Trump, and they are fooling themselves if they think the American people can’t see through it.”

Let’s hope so.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.