New York State has more deaths than any other state in the country, yet Governor Andrew Cuomo says he isn’t responsible for a single one of them.

Instead, he is now openly blaming President Trump for every single death in New York State.

According to Bloomberg, here’s what Cuomo told reporters:

“I hold Donald Trump responsible for every death in New York state from Covid, because Trump lied”

Cuomo never bothered to mention WHAT Trump said to “lie”, but as a Democrat he can say whatever he wants and the media will simply go along with it.

He also went onto blame Europe – not China – for the Coronavirus:

“New York state had that big burst because it came from Europe and not China, and they never did a European travel ban because he was lying to the American people. He is the super-spreader that brought the virus to America.”

However, when we look back in time, we see that Cuomo didn’t always feel this way about President Trump.

In March, Cuomo even praised President Trump for “delivering” for the state of New York:

However, since we’re so close to an election, I guess his prior comments don’t matter…do they?

Funny enough, Cuomo also refused to mention how he sent sick people into nursing homes – where the most vulnerable citizens to COVID-19 live.

As expected, Cuomo denies that he sent COVID patients into nursing homes, but even CNN of all people have said it’s FAKE NEWS:

Facts First: Cuomo’s assertion that “it never happened” is false. According to a report from the New York State Department of Health, “6,326 COVID-positive residents were admitted to [nursing home] facilities” following Cuomo’s mandate that nursing homes accept the readmission of Covid-positive patients from hospitals. Whether or not this was “needed,” it did in fact happen.

What is your response to Cuomo’s latest ridiculous remarks? Comment below…


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump