The tone-deafness coming largely from Democratic politicians who continue to impose ‘stay-at-home’ orders on their ‘subjects’ even as the coronavirus outbreak begins to wane in their states and cities is appalling.

Last week, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) won a blue ribbon for self-absorption when she thought it would be just dandy to appear on a late-night television program to tout her gourmet ice cream collection from her multi-million dollar mansion in San Fran — all while blocking new aid for ailing businesses and their workers.

Meanwhile, tens of millions of Americans were filing first-time unemployment claims and, of course, had no time — or money — for fancy deserts.

This week’s tone-deaf winner, however, is another Democrat: New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

While his ‘stay-at-home’ order may have been necessary in parts of the state, like New York City, in order to ‘bend’ the coronavirus curve, that doesn’t help residents of the state who are now out of work.

But rather than offer some comforting words of encouragement, Cuomo gave out employment advice instead: Get an “essential” job.


As reported by Breitbart News:

Gov. Andrew Cuomo debated with a reporter on Wednesday about protesters in New York upset about losing their jobs as a result of the shutdown during the coronavirus crisis.

During Cuomo’s press conference, one reporter asked him if there was a right to work for unemployed New Yorkers who were not getting their unemployment checks and needed money.

“You want to go to work, go take a job as an essential worker,” Cuomo said. “Do it tomorrow.”

“There are people hiring. You can get a job as an essential worker, so now you can go to work and now you are an essential worker and now you won’t kill anyone,” he added.

Wait — what? How come “essential” workers aren’t a risk to public health, but other workers would be? How much sense does that make?

Even though the country now has an unemployment rate of about 20 percent, thanks to these nonsensical shutdown policies, the fact is there are people who have been out in public, working, throughout them. And yet, they’re not dying in droves.

If 80 percent of the workforce is still working, albeit many of them from home, how come 100 percent of the workforce can’t work if stores want to open and employees want to show up?

Oh, right. “Bend the curve.” Got it.

But have we really done that? We don’t know yet. All of the data aren’t in. We won’t know for a while whether shutting down our economy worked to curb the virus’ spread for months, maybe years. We may never know.

And can’t businesses and people make their own minds up about the risk of working? Do they really need to be guided by their ‘shepherd’ in Albany?

In the meantime, however, life must go on and for Americans, that means they have to work. Yet, here’s Cuomo, getting paid and acting like he’s ‘suffering’ too, telling people smugly to get an ‘essential’ job.

You know what any job to someone out of work right now is considered to be right about now? “Essential.”

What a schmuck, this Cuomo.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.