The morning following the FBI’s raid on the Florida home of former President Donald Trump, former New York Governor and Democrat Andrew Cuomo — the same guy disgraced by a veritable slew of sexual harassment allegations — actually went on to caution that the Department of Justice “must immediately explain” the reason for conducting the raid or end up facing a negative public perception.

Honestly, I never would have thought that such a true statement could possibly come from someone like Cuomo, the same man who not only seemingly groped and hit on anything that walked into his office on two legs with a set of boobs and lied about the number of folks who died in nursing homes thanks to his failed COVID policies.

But hey, as the old saying goes, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

According to the Daily Wire, “Cuomo — who stepped down in 2021 in disgrace after being accused of sexual harassment by multiple women — has reportedly claimed that his own run-in with the law that led to his resignation was politically motivated. Cuomo — an outspoken Trump critic — now says that the DOJ risks undermining the January 6 Committee’s investigation into the president’s involvement in the protest that turned into a riot over the results of the 2020 presidential elections without transparency.”

“DOJ must immediately explain the reason for its raid & it must be more than a search for inconsequential archives or it will be viewed as a political tactic and undermine any future credible investigation & legitimacy of January 6 investigations,” Cuomo posted in a tweet.

The tweet left many conservatives in a state of shock, given his previous extreme anti-Trump rhetoric and leftist political beliefs.

Even @andrewcuomo is disgusted by the communist style tactics used by Joe Biden and his corrupt DOJ,” CEO of X Strategies Alex Bruesewitz posted on Twitter.

“I didn’t think it would ever happen but Andrew Cuomo is 100% right here,” OutKick the Coverage’s Clay Travis also stated.

Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz said, “When they’ve gone too far even for Cuomo…”

There were actually quite a few more posts from conservatives on this, but I think you get the point.

What’s really interesting is how the White House is claiming they were totally unaware that the FBI was going to carry out a raid on the former president’s home.

According to several reports, the White House stated that it was first made aware of the raid on Twitter, the same time the media became aware.

Jonathan Martin, a reporter for the New York Times, posted a tweet on Monday evening saying, “Senior White House officials found out about the FBI’s Mar a Lago raid on Twitter, had no notice, per source familiar.”

Ed O’Keefe with CBS News stated that a top official with the Biden administration told him the exact same thing.

“No advance knowledge. Some learned from old media some from social media,” O’Keefe quoted a senior administration official when he was asked about the event.

The investigation supposedly is centered around classified materials that Trump took to Mar-a-Lago from the White House.

Or it was a politically motivated move just ahead of the 2022 midterms, a desperate attempt to discredit Trump — again — and prevent his endorsed candidates from winning their respective races, and maybe shutting down a run for Trump in 2024.

Which one seems more likely given the current state of the Democratic Party?
