Over the past week or so, more than a few polls have claimed that Joe Biden — now the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee after Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) finally dropped out Wednesday — beating President Donald Trump in November, and in some cases by a lot.

A Fox News poll (!) taken in late March had bumblin’, rumblin’ Biden up by nine points — 49-40, while fully 11 percent of respondents said they were undecided.

Are they kidding? As Tank Murdoch at The National Sentinel noted:

Sorry, but there is no way in Hades this poll is reflective of reality.

Biden can’t draw a thousand people to his gaffe-prone online pressers, and Trump blasts through TV ratings just by showing up to pandemic briefings — which, again, explains why authoritarians in the Democratic state-run media want him censored.

And just wait until the coronavirus emergency is over and President Trump hits the campaign trail again; we’ll see his rallies explode with enthusiasm and attendance.

It’s hard to argue with any of that. And yet, other polls are claiming similar results.

The day Biden gets to be the presumptive nominee, here comes USA Today with a poll showing Biden is 8 points ahead of the president:

The poll, released Wednesday, found Biden is the top choice among 49% of registered voters and Trump the top choice of 41%. Biden is boosted by self-identified independent voters, who support him over Trump 44%-35%

It’s a slightly tighter race than when a Quinnipiac Poll in March found Biden ahead of Trump, 52% to 41%. The small shift comes as Trump’s job approval rating has increased from 41% to 45% amid the coronavirus outbreak.

This sounds an awful lot like 2016 all over again, when ‘all the polls’ had Hillary Clinton mopping the floor with Trump. And you know what else sounds a lot like 2016? The oversampling of Democrats, as this latest Quinnipiac poll that USA Today reported on indicates (34 percent Democrats vs. 28 percent Republicans).

So, this race is far from ‘over.’ And other polling shows that the president is in a very comfortable place.

Breitbart News’ John Carney noted Wednesday:

The coronavirus pandemic has thrown the American economy into a deep contraction and sent unemployment soaring but Americans approve of President Donald Trump’s handling of the crisis.

Approval of President Trump’s handling of the economy rose to 52 percent, the highest level of his presidency, CNBC’s “All America” survey showed Wednesday. That is up from 49 percent in December.

In addition, the president’s overall approval rating climbed as well, from 40 percent to 46 percent, according to the survey — the best of his presidency in this particular poll.

The results are even more impactful because the poll acknowledges that 10 percent of Americans say they have lost jobs due to the outbreak, which of course, China is responsible for.

And while a combined 77 percent of the 800 respondents rate the economy now as “fair” (22 percent) or “poor” (45 percent), just 1 percent of respondents thought they would lose their job in the next few weeks, which hints that most people think the worst has come regarding the pandemic’s effects on the economy.

VOTE NOW: Should Trump punish China for lying about Coronavirus cases?

“Americans are not blaming President Donald Trump for Trump’s job rating rose in the poll, with more Americans approving of his handling of the presidency than disapproving for the first time in the three years it’s been tracked by CNBC,” Carney wrote.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.