Socialist AOC melted down during a livestream.


OCASIO-CORTEZ: “Are you for real? So let’s talk about this because so much of our national conversation, which is not a conversation, about immigration, is driven by people who could not care less about immigrants. So often, people want to say, ‘Why aren’t you talking about the border crisis?’ or ‘Why aren’t you talking about it in this way?’ Well, we’re talking about it, they just don’t like how we’re talking about it. Because it’s not a border crisis, it’s an imperialism crisis, it’s a climate crisis, it’s a trade crisis, and also, it’s a carceral crisis.

Because as I have already said even during this term and this president, our immigration system is based and designed on our carceral system. Those are some of the problems. What about the solution? Well number one our solutions need to be rooted in foreign policy because our interventionist history in foreign policy in history over decades of destabilizing regions drive people … but people don’t want to have that conversation. Secondly let’s talk about the climate crisis, because the U.S. has disproportionately contributed to the total amount of emissions that is causing a planetary climate crisis right now, and — but who is bearing the brunt of that? It’s actually not us. We helped create the problem but disproportionately it’s the global south. It’s South Asia. It’s Latin America that are going to be experiencing the floods, wildfires, and droughts, in a disproportionate way which ding ding ding has already started a migration crisis. But people don’t want to have that conversation. Then we have the issues of trade which economically contribute, can’t have contributions to some of these conditions that add fuel to the fire, but people don’t want to have that conversation.”


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump