Socialist Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may be the dumbest representative in Congress.

After getting completely demolished for her “Tax the Rich” dress at the Met Gala, Ocasio-Cortez took to Twitter to explain how she is not a hypocrite.

Tickets to attend the Met Gala costed on average $30,000 and tables at the event were $275,000. The only people who could attend the event were the ultra-wealthy or elites with high up connections.

The socialist representative said she wasn’t being a hypocrite because it was her “responsibility to party with the elites as she scolded all the peasant “haters.”

“And before haters get wild flying off the handle, New York elected officials are routinely invited to and attend the Met due to our responsibilities in overseeing and supporting the city’s cultural institutions for the public,” she wrote on Twitter. “I was one of several in attendance in this evening.”

In the same thread on Twitter, Ocasio-Cortez said that the “medium is the message” as she made sure to point out that she hired a “Black woman immigrant designer.”

“The medium is the message,” she said.

“Proud to work with @aurorajames as a sustainably focused, Black woman immigrant designer who went from starting her dream @brothervellies at a flea market in Brooklyn to winning the @cfda against all odds – and then work together to kick open the doors at the Met,” she wrote. “The time is now for childcare, healthcare, and climate action for all. Tax the Rich.”

“And yes, BEFORE anybody starts wilding out – NYC elected officials are regularly invited to and attend the Met due to our responsibilities in overseeing our city’s cultural institutions that serve the public. I was one of several in attendance. Dress is borrowed via @brothervellies,” the post added.

During an interview at the event, Ocasio-Cortez had the audacity to claim she was a part of the “working class” as she was surrounded by some of the richest people in the world.

AOC got completely roasted for her ridiculous stunt at the Met Gala.

Ej Dickson, senior writer at Rolling Stone, posted: “Am I the only one who thinks this is really f***ing stupid[?] 1) The dress is ugly, 2) She’s at a $35k per person event and this isn’t nearly the own she thinks it is. 3) The dress is ugly. I mean I love her but come on this is so dumb. Peak girl boss s**t.”

“I’m not even mad at the lack of self awareness or hypocrisy anymore. At this point it’s just hilarious. These people are a giant joke,” Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) tweeted.

“What makes @AOC a bigger fraud: The ‘tax the rich’ dress while she’s hanging out with a bunch of wealthy leftwing elites or the lack of masks after spending the past 18 months as one of the biggest authoritarian mask Karens in the country?” noted Donald Trump Jr.

“A pathetic self-aggrandizing hypocrite,” Megyn Kelly said.

“Meanwhile our kids are muzzled & six feet apart all day long while trying to learn but she & these other ‘Rules for Thee but Not for Me’ pols can parade around maskless & in top of each other at the Met Gala bc, SCIENCE,” she continued.

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