Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich aimed at Vice President Kamala Harris over her lack of doing anything after being appointed by President Joe Biden to address the border crisis.

During an interview on Fox Business with anchor Dagen McDowell, Brnovich said Harris has failed to respond to his invitation to tour the crisis at the US-Mexico border.

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“I guess if you were a philosopher you would say no response is a very loud response because we’ve not received any response,” Brnovich said.

Harris needs to “look into the eyes of people being smuggled across the border, being exploited by the cartels and realize this is a humanitarian crisis on so many levels,” Brnovich said.

“It’s not fair to the migrants that think they’re being promised things, it’s not fair to the people – the hardworking taxpayers of this country who are going to have to subsidize and pay for health care and child care and other social services for these migrants,” he added.

It’s also not fair to anyone when “you have literally criminals coming into this country,” he continued.


Biden announced on March 24 that Harris would lead the administration’s efforts at the border, and she has not visited one time to even hold a press event on the crisis.

And, just to be clear, NBC News published a report on March 24 titled: “Biden tasks Harris with ‘stemming the migration’ on southern border.”

Harris is 100% appointed to “handle” the border crisis and she has not visited the border one time since Biden named her.

The border crisis created by the Biden administration is about to get a lot worse in the coming months.

According to a report from CNN, internal government calculations from the Biden administration project that officials expect to encounter an estimated two million people at the border in 2021.

“US Border Patrol encounters are also expected to be largely made up of single adults, who are being turned away at the US southern border as soon as they’re encountered under a public health order, and as a result, might also account for repeat crossers,” CNN reported.

CNN reported:

But combined, the data — based on preliminary reporting as of this month — illustrates the continuing challenge for the Biden administration, which has already faced a series of hurdles on the US-Mexico border, particularly with unaccompanied children and migrants families.

Data reviewed by CNN shows that up to 1.1 million single adults are expected through September, along with up to around 828,000 families and more than 200,000 unaccompanied children. According to the projections, border Patrol encounters are expected to continue to rise month-by-month, which can vary.

This is the second batch of leaked documents revealing that the Biden administration has created a massive crisis at the border.

According to documents leaked to Axios, the Biden administration is projecting that the number of unaccompanied children crossing the U.S.-Mexico border could spiral from more than 16,000 this month to as many as 26,000 in September.

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Almost 110 border-crossers that Biden’s DHS released ended up testing positive for the coronavirus between January 25 and March 1.
