During an interview on Fox News with host Maria Bartiromo, attorney Sidney Powell dropped a massive bomb as she laid out the legal battles that the Trump campaign faces in the coming weeks.

Powell claims that she has “identified over 450,000 ballots that miraculously only have a vote for Joe Biden on them and no other candidate.”

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“There has been a massive and coordinated effort to steal this election from We The People of the United States of America to delegitimize and destroy votes for Donald Trump,” Powell said on Fox News. “To manufacture votes for Joe Biden. They’ve done it in every way imaginable, from having dead people vote in record numbers, to absolutely fraudulently creating ballots that exist only for voting for Biden. We’ve identified over 450,000 ballots that miraculously only have a vote for Joe Biden on them and no other candidate. If you look at Florida where things were done right you can see that that is how the rest of the country should have gone. But they also used an algorithm to calculate the number of votes they would need to flip. And they used computers to flip those votes from Trump to Biden and from other Republican candidates to their competitors also.”


This isn’t the only recent bomb that Powell has dropped. During a bombshell interview with Fox Business host Lou Dobbs, Powell called for an investigation into electronic ballot systems which may have changed “3 percent of the vote.”

“I think they need to investigate the likelihood that 3 percent of the vote changed [due to] preelection ballots collected digitally by using the Hammer and Scorecard programs,” she said during the interview.

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“I think Hammer and Scorecard were used by Democratic operatives who had access through government access points,” she added. “They used them to illegally change votes. It’s been used against other countries. It’s just been changed recently [to be used] against our own citizens.”

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