It took a week but the votes have been counted and Joe Biden has beaten Bernie Sanders in Washington State. 

The narrow win in a socialist stronghold is a crushing blow to Bernie’s revolution and a sign that the end of his campaign is imminent. 

Due to coronavirus lock downs, four states that were to have held their own primaries on Tuesday have called them off leaving Sanders with little reason to expect that he can reverse the momentum of the senile savior of the Democratic party. 

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If Bernie can’t win in Washington State which is a state that is in many ways even more far-left than California, where can he win?

Via The Associated Press, “Biden wins Washington primary, capturing 5 out of 6 states”:

Joe Biden has been declared the winner of last week’s Democratic presidential primary in Washington state, giving him victories in five out of six states that voted March 10.

After nearly a week of counting votes, the former vice president on Monday held onto a small lead over Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders that turned out to be insurmountable.

Washington was a state that Sanders had been hoping to win. In 2016, he won more than two-thirds of the delegates from the Washington caucuses over Hillary Clinton.

Of the state’s 89 pledged delegates, only 31 are allocated based on the statewide result. The remaining 58 are determined based on the results of the state’s 10 congressional districts, and those results might not be calculated until the election is certified by the secretary of state’s office, which could be as late as March 27.

Biden won four other states last Tuesday: Missouri, Mississippi, Michigan and Idaho. Sanders won North Dakota.

In Washington, Democrats used he vote-by-mail presidential primary — moved up this year from May — for the first time to allocate delegates instead of the smaller caucuses used in previous years.

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The shutdown of restaurants and bars came too late for Sanders who has championed the idea that fast food workers should make $15 per hour. 

Now that the loss of paychecks for millions will lead to widespread economic despair, there is little chance that will be channeled into a socialist candidate. 

Bye bye Bernie!
