People do dumb things.

Remember that commercial? I think it was for some sort of cell phone company or something of that nature. Anyway, that ad made a great point. There are a lot of less than intelligent folks out there who make poor decisions and ultimately end up paying a hefty price for it.

Such is the case with a “gangsta” dude who thought he was going to do the “thug walk” up into a local business, pull a gun, and hold the place up.

Ever heard the phrase, “play stupid games, win stupid prizes?” It, like the phrase above, is absolute truth.

And Mr. Billy Bada** in the following clip learned this lesson the hard way. Unfortunately, the tuition he paid for the course ended up being his own life.

Crime never pays, kids.

Mr. Billy Bada** did not count on there being a good guy with a gun at this establishment to bring a swift end to his armed robbery. The whole incident was caught on video. Be warned, it’s graphic.

The one thing we constantly hear from the radical left when they are trying to justify stamping out the Second Amendment right to bear arms is that good guys with guns do not stop bad guys with guns.

Well, obviously, that’s not true. The video above is pretty conclusive evidence that when a good, law-abiding citizen is exercising his God-given, constitutionally protected right to carry a gun, bad guys get stopped in their tracks.

Now, many liberals will cite the tragedy that happened at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas to rebut that argument by stating the police officers in that situation, the “good guys with guns,” did not take action, and thus, the gunman murdered a bunch of innocent children.

That has nothing to do with guns and the Second Amendment, nor does it justify a call for guns to be further regulated or banned. A gun is a tool. The fact that there were individuals at the school shooting who were armed and could have intervened to stop the shooter, but didn’t, is not a gun problem. It’s a courage problem.

Cops who neglected to do their duty to protect and serve have a deeper issue at its root, namely the lack of teaching new generations of men what true courage and self-sacrifice looks like.

But that’s too much to go into in this post.

The bottom line here is that the Second Amendment exists for two important reasons. To provide us with the means to defend our liberty from an oppressive government that might well overstep its bounds and attempt to strip away our God-given rights.

And to give us the ability to protect our life and property. No one has the right to rob us of these, and having a firearm levels the playing field, providing us with a fighting chance against criminals who wouldn’t mind taking either one.

The criminal in the clip above is the one who is ultimately responsible for his own demise. Had he not chosen to take this course of action, he’d be alive today. There’s no getting around that cold, hard fact.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
