The Biden administration has issued a warning to retail pharmacies that if they should choose not to provide patients with abortion pills, they would be in violation of anti-discrimination laws. However, leaders within the pro-life movement are insisting that forcing pharmacists to hand out abortion drugs would violate their conscience rights.

Once again, more steps are being taken by the radical left to find some legal way to shed the blood of pre-born children. If you were curious to know just how morally bankrupt the modern liberal movement and Democratic Party really is, their handling of abortion should provide you with a sufficient answer.

According to the Daily Wire, new guidelines that were put out by the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Civil Rights, places a heavy emphasis on how the 60,000 pharmacies that exist in the country could potentially be participating in discrimination by not filling prescriptions for abortion drugs.

“The guidance makes clear that as recipients of federal financial assistance, including Medicare and Medicaid payments, pharmacies are prohibited under law from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, age, and disability in their programs and activities,” HHS went on to say in the release.

The department then stated, “This includes supplying prescribed medications; making determinations regarding the suitability of prescribed medications for a patient; and advising a patient about prescribed medications and how to take them.”

Check out a few more details from The Daily Wire report:

The health department framed the move as its latest step in response to the overturn of Roe v. Wade — Secretary Xavier Becerra promised that HHS is “committed to ensuring that everyone can access healthcare, free of discrimination.”

“This includes access to prescription medication,” Becerra said, “including birth control, miscarriage management, and medication abortion from their pharmacy.”

Pro-life and conservative leaders told The Daily Wire that such an order violates the conscience rights of pharmacists nationwide.

“This move signals that the Biden administration is more concerned with their own political agenda over the health and religious liberties of the American people,” Heritage Action Executive Director Jessica Anderson went on to say on Monday.

“With abortion medication responsible for over half of abortions in the nation, these guidelines are both hypocritical and completely misaligned with the values and priorities of the American people,” she then remarked.

Jeanne Mancini, who serves as the head of the annual March for Life, slammed the Biden administration with a major accusation about attempting to “conflate” healthcare with abortion.

This is something that is very clear when you look at how the left refers to the issue of abortion anytime the cameras are rolling. They attempt to lessen the crime of murdering pre-born children by referring to them as fetuses is an attempt to dehumanize them and making their murder more acceptable to society at large. By making this seem like a harmless medical procedure with no ill aftereffects, it increases the appeal of the option to expectant mothers.

“Deliberately ending a human life is the diametric opposite of healthcare,” Mancini then stated. “It is outrageous that the administration is taking the further step of forcing Americans to fall in line with this misguided and deadly agenda.”

“Pharmacists, like all medical professionals, have the right to honor their consciences and mission to preserve and protect life, without government interference,” she continued.

Brian Burch of Catholic’s vote issued a warning saying that not only would the Biden administration be “superseding state laws that protect women and children from these dangerous drugs” through making such a move, but it would also be directly contradicting the administration’s policies aimed at opioid prescriptions.

