There were hundreds of people who made the mistake of storming the U.S. Capitol Building and rioting last month, but the Biden administration and Democrats seem to be hyperfocused on one very small group of Americans: White supremacists.

In a segment earlier this week during his program on the streaming network “The First,” Bill O’Reilly crunched the numbers and found that state and federal prosecutions of ‘white supremacists’ over the past two years barely registered. And yet, Democrats and the Biden regime are using the Capitol riot to gaslight the country by pushing a narrative that white supremacy is far more pervasive than it is.

That appears to include the president’s attorney general nominee, Judge Merrick Garland.

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In an opening statement released ahead of his Monday testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Garland pledged to focus the Justice Department’s prosecutorial efforts on “white supremacist” rioters.

“If confirmed, I will supervise the prosecution of white supremacists and others who stormed the Capitol on January 6 — a heinous attack that sought to disrupt a cornerstone of our democracy: the peaceful transfer of power to a newly elected government,” Garland’s opening statement reads. “That critical work is but a part of the broad scope of the Department’s responsibilities.”

In keeping with that line of thinking, Garland said he planned to talk about an “urgent” mission to ensure all Americans’ civil rights were being upheld following riots that occurred in the wake of the George Floyd incident in May.

“That mission remains urgent because we do not yet have equal justice,” Garland’s opening statement reads. “Communities of color and other minorities still face discrimination in housing, education, employment, and the criminal justice system; and bear the brunt of the harm caused by pandemic, pollution, and climate change.”

In fact, there is no evidence — and this has been true for decades — to indicate widespread racial inequality in the United States. Yet, Democrats and their far-left allies have been pushing this false narrative at the expense of white people.

Cases in point: The Coca-Cola Company was busted forcing its white employees to take online ‘training’ in critical race theory, which teaches the viewpoint that all institutions in America are racist and unjust because the men who founded the country were racist and unjust.

Coursework includes ‘urging’ white employees: “Try to be less white.”

According to screenshots of the course, one panel says, “To be less white is to:

— be less oppressive

— be less arrogant

— be less certain

— be less defensive

— be more humble

— listen

— break with apathy

— break with white solidarity

Conservative activist, author, and co-founder of the “Blexit” movement Candace Owens asked followers to imagine if the ethnicity of the intended ‘student’ were changed.

If a corporate company sent around a training kit instructing black people how to “be less black”, the world would implode and lawsuits would follow. I genuinely hope these employees sue @CocaCola for blatant racism and discrimination,” she wrote on Twitter.

Meanwhile, the McDonald’s Corp. warned its senior executives they were going to lose a portion of their bonuses if they didn’t put more minorities (that is, non-white people) in senior management positions.

“We’re implementing policies that hold our leaders directly accountable for making tangible progress on our [diversity, equity, and inclusion] goals,” the company noted in a press release titled “Allyship through Accountability.”

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Question: What happens if there genuinely are not enough ‘minority’ candidates to fill those positions? Do bonuses go away anyway? Probably.

Equality of opportunity is not the same as equality of outcome, and yet under the guise that our country ‘is inherently racist,’ this new standard now applies.

This can’t end well.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.