By now we all know the devastation caused by hurricane Ian. The monster storm wrecked entire communities and has changed the landscape of Southwest Florida forever. We are currently seeing people still being rescued days after the storm tore through. Brave first responders continue to put their lives on the line, along with our Coast Guard, National Guard and Army Reserve. Where would Florida be without them? Recently Joe Biden placed a personal phone call to thank two Coast Guard responders. What an honor! Except one of the men is about to be out of a job because of Joe Biden.

The White House publicized the call in a press release and Biden himself bragged about calling him.

“I told him how proud of him I was and thanked him for all the work he and his Coasties are doing to save lives,” Biden said of his call to Aviation Survival Technician Second Class Zach Loesch.

High praise from the commander in chief, even if he didn’t remember making the call afterwards. What’s the problem here? Loesch is set to be expelled from the Guard for refusing the Covid vaccine, a mandate Biden himself made for our armed forces. Talk about inconvenient timing for Biden. What are the odds one of the heroes he called would be someone he was directly responsible for being out of a job soon?

Despite Biden thanking Loesch for saving people’s lives, Loesch is due to be kicked out from the Coast Guard in 30-60 days due to Biden’s own mandate that all members of the United States Armed Forces be fully vaccinated, Loesch told Breitbart News on Saturday.

Cringe timing once again by Joe Biden and his band of merry idiots. Loesch subsequently filed an appeal and attempted to get a religious accommodation, but both were denied. Based on that, the hero Guardsman will be discharged despite his heroism. What an administration we have!

“If I had asked any of the people I saved yesterday if they wanted to come with me even though I am unvaccinated, every single one of them would have said ‘yes,’” he said.

Loesch personally pulled out a disabled woman and her husband who were trapped in their back bedroom with a couch jammed in the doorway. He kicked through a wall in order to free them.

Once they were freed, he went back to retrieve her wheelchair, securing it to his own body as he was hoisted up by a Coast Guard helicopter. Loesch also rescued several dogs and cats.

We need MORE badass heroes like Loesch and fewer mandates and restrictions on people’s personal health choices. With all the acrimony on Roe V Wade and the wailing and gnashing of teeth by the White House on a womans “right to choose”, why isn’t Loesch’s right to choose being respected? How are the American people going to take an administration seriously that shows such hypocrisy?

Loesch for his part didn’t bring up his impending eviction to Biden (I would’ve).

“It just sucks that he thanked me yet the vaccine mandate is what’s kicking me out,” he said. “I just love my job and I’m really good at it. It sucks. I feel like this is the job that I was born to do.”

It’s unfortunate that a hero like Loesch is going to lose his job for not taking an experimental shot that most people didn’t need and has proven to have minimal effectiveness. The popular refrain the last few months has been ‘freedom to choose”, except for Loesch and others like him, their freedoms don’t matter to Joe Biden.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.