While legions of President Donald Trump’s supporters have had their doubts about polling numbers claiming that his mentally deficient opponent, Joe Biden, is way ahead and on a glide path to the White House, the Biden camp has mostly avoided the subject of polling.

Until now.

In an online summit with grassroots groups, Biden campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon pointedly downplayed polling while claiming they are actually “inflated,” according to a tweet from New York Times reporter Shane Goldmacher.

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“Please take [into account] the fact that we are not ahead by double digits,” she reportedly said. 

“Those are inflated national public polling numbers,” she added.

Separately, in a memo that was first obtained by the Washington Post and Fox News, Dillon also warned supporters against becoming “complacent” because there is no way Trump is out of the race by any means.

“We cannot become complacent because the very searing truth is that Donald Trump can still win this race,” she wrote. “And every indication we have shows that this thing is going to come down to the wire.

She noted further that Trump and Biden were actually “neck and neck” – though the president has said during recent interviews his campaign’s internal polling has him leading in several battleground states, if not all of them.

Noting further that the contest is “far closer than some of the punditry we’re seeing on Twitter and on TV would suggest,” Dillon said, “while we see robust leads at the national level, in the states we’re counting on to carry us to victory like Arizona and North Carolina we’re only up by three points.”

“We also know that even the best polling can be wrong and that variables like turnout mean that in several critical states we are functionally tied — and that we need to campaign like we’re trailing,” she added.

Recall that nearly all of the presidential polling in 2016 had Hillary Clinton well ahead – but, of course, she didn’t come close to gaining enough electoral votes, giving Trump a historic victory. 

“If we learned anything from 2016, it’s that we cannot underestimate Donald Trump or his ability to claw his way back into contention in the final days of a campaign, through whatever smears or underhanded tactics he has at his disposal,” Dillon added.

Well, a more accurate read of what happened in 2016 was that the Trump campaign was subjected to smears and underhanded tactics (the Russian collusion hoax devised by Hillary Clinton to take the focus off her criminal abuse of classified emails comes to mind, as does the “Spygate” scandal).

But we digress.

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Translated, these comments by Dillon and her memo strongly suggest another summer campaign to suppress GOP voter turnout using fake polling designed to dissuade and discourage the president’s supporters and keep them at home on Election Day (or sit out early voting) isn’t really working.

The president’s campaign rallies continue to be fun-filled, well-attended events full of raucous but peaceful supporters who appear very eager to cast a ballot for him.

Time will tell. But clearly, the Biden campaign is not on board with the “inflated” polling data and is attempting to temper expectations.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.