“We met to affirm Vice President Biden’s unshakeable commitment to working with Arab, Palestinian, and Muslim Americans and to standing up against anti-Muslim prejudice, and to make clear that we regretted any hurt that was caused to these communities,” Biden campaign Simone Sanders said, noting that, nevertheless, the campaign continues to “reject the views that Linda Sarsour has expressed,” The Daily Caller reported

The outlet noted further: 

The Biden campaign denounced Sarsour and the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement after President Donald Trump’s campaign accused Biden of endorsing Sarsour’s “bigotry” against Jewish people following her appearance on a Democratic National Convention panel Tuesday.

Campaign spokesman Andrew Bates said last week that Biden “has been a strong supporter of Israel and a vehement opponent of antisemitism his entire life, and he obviously condemns her views and opposes BDS, as does the Democratic platform.”

“She has no role in the Biden campaign whatsoever,” Bates added.

Yeah, not so much.

Breitbart News reported Monday that the Biden camp has reached out to Sarsour to inform her that it’s all good, no hard feelings, and don’t believe what the Democratic nominee says to mollify his pro-Israel Democrat voters and Independents who are leaning towards him and support the Jewish state.

Notes senior editor-at-large Joel B. Pollak:

Joe Biden’s presidential campaign privately apologized to radical left-wing activist Linda Sarsour after publicly condemning her extreme anti-Israel views last week. …

[T]he Middle East Eye reported Sunday that Biden campaign officials privately apologized to Sarsour on a call with Muslim community activists, which was recorded and leaked to the publication.

Biden coalitions director Ashley Allison said she was “sorry.”

“I am sorry that that happened. And I hope that whatever trust was broken, that this conversation is one small step to help build back the trust, but that is not the last time we have this conversation,” Allison told the activists, the Middle East Eye reported.

Biden foreign policy advisor Tony Blinken, a former Obama administration official, also said ‘sorry.’

“Historically, Republicans and Democrats have been quick to dismiss Muslim, Arab-American and especially Palestinian-American voices, and I want to reiterate on behalf of all of us our support for your communities,” he said. 

“My apologies for what we did and what happened,” Blinken added.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.