Gas prices are getting higher and higher under President Brandon the Imbecile, something that’s frustrating nearly every American which has to drive, which is most every American.

The White House, meanwhile, doesn’t seem to be solving the crisis but is rather alternating between trying to pass the buck by blaming the “Putin price hike” and claiming that it’s not that big of a problem, with Karine Jean-Pierre, the new White House Press Secretary, choosing the latter tack when asked about gas prices by a reporter.

Her sorry excuse of a response came when a reporter, asking about the global oil and gas marketplace, said:

On gas prices, I understand what the administration has done up to this point on the policy side of things. I also understand it’s a global marketplace.

Given the fact that they keep hitting new highs, are there new initiatives, new policy proposals that your team is working through right now that could possibly have an effect or that you could roll out in the weeks ahead if prices continue where they’ve been?

Jean-Pierre, rather than saying much of use, instead told Americans to count their lucky stars that they don’t live in nations struggling under the burden of even higher gas prices than those in Biden’s America.

First, however, she used the usual talking point and blamed Putin for American gas prices, saying:

So, everything is on the table, as you heard us — as you heard us say the last couple of weeks. But I do want to say: Look, you know, if you look at what happened when Putin started amassing troops on the border with Russia, the price of gas has increased by $1.51.

It was then that she started listing off how terrible the gas prices around the Western world have gotten, saying:

And I also want to add — because this is really important so that people understand and flag that similar issues are happening around the world.

In the EU, gas is $8.15 per gallon. It has increased by $1.74.

In Germany, gas is $8.88 per gallon. It has increased $2.16.

In Canada, gas is $6.23 per gallon. It has increased $1.93.

She then made the demonstrably false statement that oil prices only started increasing in December of 2021, saying:

And all of this has happened since December of 2021. This is — to your point, Phil — which is — this is a global challenge. This is something that everyone is feeling across the globe. And — but we understand that prices — these gas prices, including food prices in particular — those two things, as we look at inflation and trying to make sure that we’re fighting inflation in every way that we can, is hurting families — is hurting families, especially as they sit around their kitchen table.

She then started mumbling about other, tangentially-related economic issues without delving into how the administration actually plans on dealing with gas prices, saying:

But we’re going to continue to do everything that we can. I don’t have anything to preview for you. But, you know, one thing also I want to say: The Rescue Plan has really been able to help us put — put us in a — in an economic — a place where we’re stronger.

And we saw that with the jobs numbers on Saturday — I’m sorry, on Friday — and that is an important thing to note as well. Because when the President walked in — and this is — you know, this is something that we have to really continue to remember — we were in an economic crisis. And the President met that moment by putting forth the American Rescue Plan, by Democrats on the Hill voting for that plan, and really putting us in a place where we look at today in a much stronger economic situation where we can actually deal with inflation head on.

We have a lot of work to do, and we understand what the American people is feeling, but we are in a stronger place to take that on.

So, apparently, if you’re sick of it costing $150 to fill up your F-150, then you need to just be grateful that you don’t live in Germany, where it would cost even more.

By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
