2020 Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden has historically been seen as a “moderate” Democrat at least by today’s standards, however as the 2020 election nears it is becoming increasingly clear that Biden is jumping on the far-Left progressive train.

While speaking at Clinton College in Rock Hill, South Carolina, Biden promised that if elected President, he would close down detention facilities for illegal aliens on the southern border.

“Close them down!” Biden said.

“No, no, no, no, no, no,” he added. “We don’t need them. We [meaning President Barack Obama and himself] found that, when we were in office, in fact … [when] we finally got things under control, you have to report back for a hearing on such-and-such a date, people show up!”

This comment by Biden is shocking considering he along with former President Barack Obama were responsible for the opening of most detention centers along the southern border.

Another misleading claim by Biden was how he mentioned that illegal aliens actually show up to their court dates. The Department of Homeland Security recently revealed that 90% of “asylum-seekers” never show up to their court dates.

This isn’t the only recent comment made by Biden to please the far-left. The former Vice President recently claimed that racism in America is a “white man’s problem.” Biden also announced that the only way to attack the problem is by defeating President Trump by holding him “responsible” for the “racial divide.”

Biden has a history of racial comments so it’s odd that the former Vice President is spreading the blame on President Trump.

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“White folks are the reason we have institutional racism,” Biden said. “There has always been racism in America. White supremacists have always existed, they still exist.”

Check out what Breitbart reported:

Biden, who leads his fellow 2020 Democrats substantially among black voters, claimed that President Donald Trump had only furthered those divisions by using rhetoric that appeals “to the worst damn instincts of human nature.” Along similar lines, the former vice president has accused Trump of fanning the “flames of white supremacy” in recent weeks, as he attempts to portray the next election as a referendum on the nation’s soul.

In order to succeed in that battle, let alone win the general election, Biden will need to do better among African American voters than former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did in 2016. Exit polling from the race indicate that Clinton received 88 percent of the black vote. Although the figure appears high, in actuality it was significantly lower than the 93 percent former President Barack Obama garnered in his successful 2012 reelection campaign.

Political scientists have attempted to explain the discrepancy by pointing out that overall turnout among African American voters was lower in 2016 than 2012. Few, however, have mentioned that Trump’s share of the black vote was greater than Mitt Romney’s in 2012, as denoted by the Roper Center for Public Opinion at Cornell University. In fact, Trump garnered the highest percentage of African American voters since 2004.

Trump’s better than expected margins among black voters, coupled with strong support from the white working-class, ensured he was the first Republican presidential candidate to carry states like Michigan and Pennsylvania since 1988. In Michigan alone, Trump received 15,000 more votes in urban Wayne County—where Detroit is located—than Romney in 2012. Although Trump lost the county by a heavy margin, the increase helped him eke out a win over Clinton statewide by more than 10,000 votes.

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