It didn’t take long for former Vice President Joe Biden to take a shot at the United States of America.

Despite everything America has accomplished, Biden is now saying that we have “never lived up to founding principles of this nation”.

During a White House speech on Tuesday, Biden signed four executive orders that he claims would address racial “equity.”

We have never fully lived up to the founding principles of this nation, to state the obvious, that all people are created equal and have a right to be treated equally throughout their lives. And it’s time to act now, not only because it’s the right thing to do, but because if we do, we’ll all be better off for it,” Biden said.

Watch his disparaging remarks below:

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If this kind of rhetoric sounds familiar to you, there’s a reason for it.

In October, Biden ripped America in similar fashion, saying:

America was an idea, an idea. “We hold these truths to be self-evident.” We’ve never lived up to it, but we’ve never walked away from it before, and I just think we have to be more honest. Let our kids know, as we raise them, what actually did happen. Acknowledge our mistakes, so we don’t repeat them.

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"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump