We keep hearing that “national polls” have Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden up by double digits.

We keep hearing from the same garbage media who got it all so wrong in 2016 that the race between Biden and President Donald Trump is now the former vice president’s race to lose.

He’s a shoo-in. This election is a lay-up for him. No doubt about it.

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Except that boatloads of anecdotal evidence – and common sense – indicate nothing could be further from the truth.

In case after case, in the rare instances where Biden and his running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, have hit the campaign trail, the events are lightly-attended.

Or completely unattended, as was the case in Phoenix last week when both candidates traveled there for an event.

Arizona FOX 10 reported that the pair visited the Heard Museum where they met with Native American tribal leaders. There were literally no supporters on hand, and the reporter made sure to mention that.

“Not a lot of fanfare out here. There’s really not much to see,” Fox 10 reporter Nicole Garcia said. “It’s kind of boring out here — it’s not your typical presidential campaign event. We don’t see people campaigning outside. We don’t see signs or really much of what’s going on.”

No one showed up. Not even a few dozen or a few hundred to maybe catch a glimpse of the candidates. 


The Biden-Harris campaign claimed they kept details of the trip quiet so as not to draw crowds amid the COVID pandemic.


“Pretty much all the people that we saw enter into the parking lot about 45 minutes ago were with the Biden/Harris campaign and the pool reporters,” the reporter said. “So, you would expect to see—I mean, this is a pretty big event for the two of them to be campaigning together for the first time since the Democratic National Convention. Here in Arizona, we’ve established our state … as a battleground state, and so this is technically a big event, but not a lot of fanfare.”

“This is a huge event, politically, but you can’t tell by the outside of the Heard Museum, as there’s really not a lot going on here,” she added.

Garcia ended her report and in-studio anchors took over — and sounded equally incredulous.

“I don’t live too far from the Heard Museum,” one of the anchors noted, “and you’d expect a lot of police commotion and bystanders and well-wishers, but didn’t see any of that this morning.”

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A smattering of people did eventually show up near the venue, but clearly it was a complete bust for the two candidates Democratic voters are pinning all of their hopes on, supposedly. 

Now, conversely, there isn’t a venue where President Trump or Vice President Mike Pence travel to that isn’t raucous, well-attended, and festive — the polar opposite of nearly every Biden-Harris event this campaign season.

And yet, we’re supposed to believe that the Biden-Harris ticket is up on the Trump-Pence ticket by double digits.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.