On Thursday during a visit to Chicago at the Clayco Construction site in Elk Grove Village, President Joe Biden had a mental breakdown while trying to promote his vaccine mandates.

At one point during his speech, Biden forgot how to speak.

“The Ohio Pennsylvania, the Ohio Pennsylvania, I’m from Pennsylvania,” Biden said as he gestured to himself. “The Illinois president.”


Here is the longer version and unfortunately for Biden, it doesn’t make him look any better.

Biden has been concerning Americans in recent months with his degrading mental state. While speaking to reporters, President Biden completely forgot what he was talking about, causing him to stop talking mid-sentence frozen like a statue.

Biden’s mental capabilities continue to degrade however Democrats and the media refuse to acknowledge this fact.

“I was a senator for a long time. I know how legislation gets done,” Biden said as he lost his train of thought.


Even Special Climate Envoy John Kerry knows Biden is not all there.During an interview with French TV hosts on Monday, Kerry asserted that President Joe Biden had no clue that France would be upset about not being included in the submarine deal between the United States and Australia.

The shocking comments from Kerry give insight on how unaware President Biden really is.

Check out what the Gateway Pundit reported:

The government of French President Macron announced last month it was recalling their ambassadors to the United States and Australia for consultations in the wake of a defense agreement with the U.S., Australia and the United Kingdom that shut out France and cancelled a multi-billion dollar submarine deal between France and Australia.

This is the first time France has recalled its U.S. ambassador in the well over 200 years of close relations dating to France’s support for the American Revolution.

France was angry after they learned about Joe Biden’s unilateral decision to freeze France out of the deal with Australia.

France learned about the deal in the media.

Joe Biden didn’t even contact France about the deal ahead of time, a move the country’s Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Drian blasted as “unpredictable.”

While speaking during the interview, Kerry admitted that Biden no idea that the move to make a deal with Australia would upset France.

“And President Biden asked me about it, and I told him and expressed the–-” Kerry said before being interrupted.

“You told Joe Biden that it was not the right- –?” the interviewer said before John Kerry cut them off.

“He asked me. He said, what’s the situation? And I explained exactly. He was — he had not been aware of that. He literally had not been aware of what had transpired. And I don’t want to go into the details of it, but suffice it to say that the president — my president, is very committed to strengthening the relationship and making sure that this is a small event of the past and moving on to the much more important future,” Kerry said.

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