For Tracy Stone-Manning, children represent an environmental hazard. At least that is what she suggested in her graduate thesis in 1992. Tracy recently became Joe Biden’s nominee to head the Bureau of Land Management (the other BLM), an agency within the United States Department of the Interior that administers federal lands.

However, the Stone-Manning resume gets much more interesting after her anti-child graduate thesis. She has also been flagged as a participant in an “ecoterrorism” incident dating back to 1989 for driving metal spikes into trees and sabotaging a lumber sale in Boise, Idaho. Spikes which are dangerous to loggers working in that industry.

The noise around her nomination has been so polemic that even Bob Abbey, director of that office in the first term of Barack Obama, rejected it immediately. He said that putting someone in that position who has that type of a record will only bring up unnecessary controversy that is not good for the agency and not good for public lands.

As mentioned, Stone-Manning is an advocate for birth control, a measure applied for decades in China that led women to abort or pay heavy fines, or even kill their baby girls to be able to have a baby boy. Along these lines, she blamed Americans for believing that overpopulation is just a problem in other parts of the world.

Her controversial thesis included a script for a television commercial that showed a woman thinking on having a third child. The message closes with images of traffic jams and overflowing landfills, add the following text:

“A child born in America will burn 499 times more energy than a child born in Ethiopia. And each year, Americans add 2 million energy-eating humans to the earth. We consume one quarter of all the world’s resources, simply by living as Americans.” Then it ended with the phrase: “Do the truly smart thing. Stop at one or two kids.”

Curious how people like her believe it is a good idea to tell the population at developed countries to have less children, not at all discourage other nations from having children, then in turn, encourage people in other parts of the world to immigrate to the developed world, and therefore overwhelm the demographics of the developed world with people from underdeveloped nations.

The rhetoric goes directly to controlling the births of the people in the West, not to environmental education, despite the fact that Stone-Manning did her master’s degree in environmental studies.

In her thesis review, she wrote that she targeted the ads at men and women planning their families and designed them to “tug at the root of many of our environmental horrors, overpopulation.”

Dan Sullivan, the Republican Senator from Alaska, said on the floor of the Senate on Monday that “No matter how young, no matter how naive, the director of the Bureau of Land Management for the United States of America should not — and I repeat, should not — have ever been involved in eco-terrorism.

What could play the most against the environmental policy adviser is the accusation of false testimony made by Protect the Public’s Trust, a government watchdog group. This is because Stone-Manning testified before the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, that she had never been the subject of a federal criminal investigation.

But the records show otherwise. The tree picket case suggests that she was under investigation by the federal government and was summoned to take fingerprints and hair samples.

“In answering the committee’s official questionnaire, Ms. Stone-Manning appears to have knowingly and willfully concealed or covered up a material fact in order to deceive the U.S. Senate and the American public about the true nature of her involvement in an eco-terrorism case,” the watchdog group wrote in a statement. “She was granted immunity for her testimony in the case that resulted in at least one individual serving prison time. The facts, including as revealed by a U.S. Attorney and Ms. Stone-Manning’s previous assertions, warrant a full investigation.”

This is not the first time that Joe Biden has made controversial nominations for his administration. In January of this year it became known that Linda Thomas-Greenfield, current US ambassador to the UN, received money from the Chinese regime. She admitted it herself.

The White House maintains its position that Tracy Stone-Manning “is uniquely qualified” to be the director of the office that controls and regulates federal lands. Given Biden’s type of progressive government, this nomination should not be surprising.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.