According to former Vice President Joe Biden, Americans had better get ready for a prolonged period of economic distress.

The newly installed 46th president delivered the gloomy prediction that it will be a decade before the nation is back to full employment, a stunning reversal of the booming economy that existed under his predecessor Donald J. Trump.

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Lunchbucket Joe’s alarming remarks came after the release of the latest jobs report that showed a dismal 49,000 jobs were added in December, normally a time of year that is driven by holiday spending.

But that was before the Democrat lockdowns, punishing restrictions on holiday gatherings in blue states and the dark cloud over the normally joyous season due to the doomsday proclamations of Biden’s top medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci.

According to Biden: At that rate, it’s going to take ten years to get back to full employment. That’s not hyperbole, that’s a fact.

His remarks come as Democrats are preparing to ram through their massive stimulus package stuffed with liberal pork projects without Republican support.

Watch below:

Via Voa News, “Biden Pushes for Quick Passage of Relief Bill as Jobs Report Shows Weak Growth”:

President Joe Biden said Congress must quickly pass his $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package to counter the economic effects of the ongoing pandemic as a new government jobs report showed hiring had stalled.

Biden told a meeting of House Democratic leaders Friday that at the current pace of job creation, the United States would not return to full employment for 10 years.

The jobs report, released Friday by the U.S. Department of Labor, showed employment growth rebounded less than expected in January and job losses in December were worse than initially thought.

It said the U.S. economy added 49,000 jobs in January but also revised the number of jobs lost in December to 227,000, up from the 140,000 losses reported in the early January report.

“It is very clear our economy is still in trouble,” Biden told lawmakers.

“We have more than 10 million people out of work, 4 million people have been out of work for six months or longer, and 2.5 million women have been driven from the workforce,” he said.

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It will all be blamed on Trump by Biden’s dutiful water carriers in the media, but Americans who are already suffering and who had their hopes of a better future for their children destroyed by Democrat governors and bureaucrats will have little patience for excuses.

Biden’s first weeks in the Oval Office have done nothing to mitigate the economic damage with the job-killer in chief quickly destroying thousands of high-paying jobs by canceling the Keystone XL pipeline as well as a moratorium on oil and gas drilling leases. These moves may delight his radical base, but they have real-life consequences for productive members of society.

Then, instead of throwing small businesses a lifeline, good old Joe from Scranton threw them an anchor with increased regulatory burdens and a coming hike in the minimum wage to $15 that will be a dagger in the heart for Main Street America.

The minimum wage hike may not be included in the Dems’ COVID stimulus bill but it’s coming sooner rather than later.

That roaring economy under Trump is now receding into the rearview mirror with Biden and company putting the pedal to the metal to return to the economic malaise of the Obama years only this time it will be supercharged.
