Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden continues to behave as though he’s a ‘president-elect,’ including selecting people to join his thus-far mythical administration. 

But if he does manage to cheat his way into the White House, the people he’s bringing with him aren’t going to do much to create the “unity” he claims he wants with conservatives and Trump supporters.

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His pick for domestic policy adviser. – Obama retread Susan Rice – is a perfect example.

The Daily Caller reports:

Former national security adviser Susan Rice, President-elect Joe Biden’s reported pick to lead the White House Domestic Policy Council, called for a “permanent” ban on so-called assault weapons in a June appearance with two anti-gun groups.

Rice, who served in former President Barack Obama’s administration, appeared in a video with Moms Demand Action and Everytown For Gun Safety and concurred with Biden’s firearm plan that seeks to ban certain semi-automatic rifles, prohibit “high-capacity magazines,” and do away with liability protections for weapons manufacturers and sellers. Rice has reportedly been chosen for the domestic policy role, Politico reported Thursday.

“[Biden has] taken on the NRA twice and won,” Rice said in the interview with Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts. “When he served with President Obama in the Obama-Biden administration, we implemented over two dozen reforms that put curbs on access to guns, but we need legislation, we need leadership in Joe Biden that understands and is passionate about these issues.”

Rice also advocated for laws including “universal background checks, the enactment of a new violence against women act, with a permanent and comprehensive ‘assault weapons’ ban, and a ban on ‘high capacity magazines’ that will work to buy back those assault weapons that are out there and ensure that those that remain are fully registered.”

Rice also went on to say it’s “unthinkable” and “outrageous” that such reforms have not been passed to date.

“It’s unthinkable to me that even though the vast majority of Americans favor common-sense gun restrictions, universal background checks, bans on ‘assault weapons’, and we have a very powerful lobby that has effectively prevented so much of that from being enacted,” she said. “It’s absolutely outrageous. It makes me as angry as anything.” 

She went on to say it’s “vital” that we enact sweeping new gun control (which, by the way, Biden is advocating).

“There’s a whole detailed long plan of action that you can find on Joe Biden’s website that goes through in great detail all the steps that he will take that are so vital to be taken,” she told Watts.

You know what makes us angry? Liars. And attacks on our Second Amendment.

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If the Constitution’s various provisions and guarantees were only dependent upon popular opinion, then maybe Rice’s arguments would have some validity. But they’re not, of course.

Which is precisely why they’re guarantees.

The left-wing Democrat Party only likes the Constitution when it is beneficial to the party. Otherwise, they are fine with ignoring the parts they don’t like.

We can’t cherry-pick the Bill of Rights.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.