2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is proving to be one of the most hypocritical politicians in history. In response to President Donald Trump calling the impeachment inquiry a “lynching,” former Vice President Biden took the opportunity to slam the President, calling his comment “abhorrent” and “despicable.”

One little problem for Biden. Back during the Clinton impeachment proceedings, Biden used the exact same language while defending former President Bill Clinton.

“Even if the President should be impeached, history is going to question whether or not this was just a partisan lynching or whether or not it was something that in fact met the standard, the very high bar, that was set by the founders as to what constituted an impeachable offense,” Biden said during an interview in 1998.

The video of Biden saying the word “lynching” immediately spread throughout Twitter. Biden then said sorry for the comments but then bizarrely continued to hammer President Trump for saying the same thing. 

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“This wasn’t the right word to use and I’m sorry about that,” Biden wrote on Twitter. “Trump on the other hand chose his words deliberately today in his use of the word lynching and continues to stoke racial divides in this country daily.”

Check out what the Daily Wire reported:

Biden is apparently claiming he did not choose his words carefully in 1998. He is also imparting a negative motive onto Trump’s comments while claiming his motive was pure. This is a common partisan tactic.

It is also not the first time Biden has apologized for his comments in the 1990s. Biden practically began his presidential campaign by apologizing to Anita Hill for the way her accusations against Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas were handled. In 1998, Biden apparently told former Sen. Arlen Specter that “It was clear to me from the way she was answering the questions, she was lying.”

But when Biden was about to run for president, he called Hill beforehand to express “regret for what she endured,” according to his campaign. The call “did not go how he had hoped,” The New York Times reported.

Those who watched the Hill hearings in the 1990s saw the allegations for what they were, just as Biden had said in 1998. Hill claimed Thomas sexually harassed her, yet she followed him from job to job. Now, in the era of #MeToo, where every allegation must be believed, in large part due to Biden, the Hill issue would have become a problem for the former vice president’s campaign.

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