If you ever needed an example of hopelessly and permanently divided we are as a country, then look no further than what Joe Biden’s campaign just got away with.

As rioters and looters destroy city blocks and throngs of Left-wing, intolerant protesters line up in city after city so they can give you your opinion about the state of race relations in 2020 America, the Biden people were spending $1 million in a single day lying about President Donald Trump being a bigot.

The $1 million ad buy, which blamed the president for ‘fanning the flames of racial hatred,’ was preceded by a $600,000 week-long Facebook ad purchase the social media behemoth obviously never questioned or dinged for inaccuracy.

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The Daily Caller noted

Biden spent $1.6 million on June 4, tripling that of Trump’s one-day record, according to [The New York Times]. The Daily Caller News Foundation confirmed the report through Facebook’s ad archive.

Biden’s campaign’s ads, which ask people to sign a petition “condemning” the president, suggest Trump is fanning the “flames of white supremacy, hatred and violence.” More than 1.2 million people signed the petition as of press time.

The Times adds that one of the principle objectives of the dishonest ad campaigns is to collect names and emails so that they can be hit up later for donations and to serve as a conduit for divisive Leftist propaganda.

But they come “amid nationwide demonstrations against the death of George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man who died May 25 after a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes, video of the incident showed,” The Daily Caller reports. “The officer, Derek Chauvin, was immediately fired after the incident and faces second-degree murder and manslaughter charges.”

The propaganda, which is also pushed relentlessly by the garbage ‘mainstream media,’ may be having the desired effect. The DC cited an NPR/PBS Newshour/Marist survey published June 5 showing Americans allegedly blame the president for the mounting racial tensions, though obviously the poll was commissioned by uber-Leftist news organizations. 

That said, if the poll is accurate, then obviously President Trump’s reelection will be much tougher than it otherwise would be.

What’s also interesting is that the complaints about ‘racial inequality and bias’ are all centered around police and other institutions in Democrat-run cities. Even Left-wing ‘revolutionary’ Shaun King pointed that out recently.

Another interesting tidbit: King doesn’t want people telling him and his fellow Lefties how to vote, but they don’t mind giving the rest of us our opinion about how we’re supposed to feel about ‘systemic racism’ most Americans legitimately do not see in our institutions.

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But all that said, it is despicable for the Biden campaign to use such a divisive period in current events to essentially blame what is happening on a president who clearly is no bigot or racist, and then raise money off it, thanks to Facebook.

In case you haven’t figured it out, we are well past the point where conservatives and Trump supporters can reconcile with our political opponents. When the other side has convinced itself that a president in 2020 can be overtly racist and bigoted and get away it politically, then the conditions for rational dialogue no longer exist.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.