On Monday during a speech at the White House, President Joe Biden suffered from another brain freeze when he completely jumbled his speech.

The comments were made at a ceremony for the 500,000 Americans who have died from Coronavirus, 100,000 of which have happened in the very little time Biden has been in office.

Biden couldn’t even read what he was supposed to say from the teleprompter: “The only way to spare more pain and more loss, the only way— these millstones no longer mark our national mourning— these milestones, I should say, no longer, no longer moke— mark our national mourning.”

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At one point during the speech, Biden blamed “misinformation” for the coronavirus death toll.

“We must end the politics and misinformation that’s divided families, communities in the country, and it’s cost too many lives already,” he said.

“As we all remember, I also ask us to act, to remain vigilant, to stay socially distanced, to mask up, to get vaccinated when it’s your turn,” Biden continued.

This wasn’t the only embarassing gaffe Biden has made in recent weeks.

During a speech to the Virtual Munich Security Conference, President Joe Biden suffered his worst gaffe to date when he accidentally said the “N” word. The slip up was so bad that even the closed captioning picked it up.

“I’m either to hear, I’m eager to hear. (pause) Ni**er to hear, next from my good friends, and outstanding leaders, sanser(??) Merkel about her thoughts on the way forward together…” Biden said.




The gaffe was so bad that even the closed captioning picked it up.

Bidens gaffe’s and confusing comments are nothing new. While speaking with reporters on Friday, Biden gave a bizarre answer when he was asked if he would be visiting the state of Texas amid their energy crisis after they were hit by a strong winter storm.

Biden tried making an excuse for why his visit was delayed and ended up rambling about incoherent nonsense.

“When the president lands in any city in America, it has a long tail, and they’re working like the devil to take care of their folks,” he said.

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