Critics of Joe Biden’s open-borders immigration policies, which is a 180-degree reversal of President Donald Trump’s tough enforcement, are sounding the alarm that many migrants now being sent to the interior of the country are infected with COVID-19.

And while the Democrat left melted down when places like vacation destination Lake Ozark, Missouri opened up to the general public last summer and red states drop all COVID restrictions now, they are silent about the re-infection of America by people who have no legal right to be in the country.

But while the media is remaining silent, Republicans in Congress are not.

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The Daily Caller notes exclusively:

Republican North Carolina Reps. Dan Bishop and Richard Hudson are sending a letter to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas demanding answers on why illegal immigrants reportedly testing positive for COVID-19 are allowed to seek asylum in the U.S., specifically their state.

The Daily Caller first obtained the letter Bishop and Hudson will send Thursday, which references reports that illegal immigrants have been waiting to be transferred from Texas to North Carolina, New Jersey and Maryland. The two North Carolina Republicans questioned the Biden administration’s immigration policies, asking why illegal immigrants are reportedly being put on charter busses to go to their state.

Eva Orellana, 29, in the U.S. illegally from Honduras and who tested positive for the virus, told NBC News she took a bus ride to North Carolina with her 3-year-old daughter, compliments of the American taxpayer (and the Biden regime).

“On the way, we were wearing a mask all the time, gel, washing our hands,” Orellana said. “Really, I don’t feel anything.”

But of course, that’s not the point: The vast majority of Americans who tested positive for COVID-19 didn’t “feel anything,” either, but yet we were locked down for months and watched helplessly as the geniuses in D.C. wrecked the economy and destroyed livelihoods.

Now, suddenly, the virus isn’t a big deal to those very same people who regularly chastised Americans who pushed back against the Stalin-esque mandates.

The letter to Mayorkas (who isn’t going to answer it, we predict) asks the following questions:

  • “Was DHS or any other federal government entity involved in funding, planning, or otherwise facilitating the purchase of charter bus tickets from the Southern Border to North Carolina for COVID-19 positive illegal immigrants?”
  • “Has your office provided any officials in North Carolina with information regarding illegal immigrants who have tested positive for COVID-19 that are arriving in the state?”
  • “What actions are being taken by the Biden Administration to ensure illegal immigrants who have tested positive for COVID-19 are quarantined before they are released into American communities?”
  • “The current CDC guidance recommends COVID-19 positive individuals spend at least 14 days in quarantine. Has DHS met all quarantine regulations before releasing COVID-19 positive migrants into the interior of our nation?”

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All of those are important questions, of course, but when the administration still doesn’t want to admit there is a “crisis” along the border, why would anyone in Congress or in the hinterlands expect the same administration to answer questions about allowing illegal aliens infected with COVID-19 into the country?


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.