Remember back when it was major news that a thief brazenly filled a garbage bag with stolen goods in a San Francisco Walgreens and then rode off on a bike without being stopped, much less apprehended? How quaint. Now the stakes have skyrocketed dramatically and the criminals are stealing even more while facing the same soft punishments.

The most recent example of the soft-on-crime stance many have taken comes from Los Angeles, where 14 thieves that stole $340,000 in goods during the smash and grab mass lootings in the area were released near immediately due to the city’s insane “zero bail policy.”

That might be so shocking that it’s even getting leftists to shake their heads in wonder and frustration. For example, the Daily Mail reports this about the response of Mayor Eric Garcetti, who many see as one of those responsible for the insane “zero bail” policy that let these rabid looters out with barely a delay:

At a joint news conference on Thursday announcing the arrests, both Moore and Mayor Eric Garcetti called for an end to a no-bail policy for some defendants aimed at reducing overcrowding at Los Angeles County jails during the coronavirus pandemic.

Garcetti said with the pandemic easing, it’s time to make room again in lockups for criminals who commit violent acts and put store employees in danger.

So, like Psaki, Garcetti appears to be placing some of the blame for the anarchy in his domain on “the pandemic.” And, for reference, here are the details on Garcetti’s insane zero bail policy, provided by the Daily Wire:

a statewide policy of imposing $0 bail for misdemeanors and lower-level felonies was put to an end in Democrat-run California last year, “but it was kept in place within the LA County Superior Court system.”

“You could be arrested for a crime such as burglary, a serious felony… and that’s zero bail, meaning that we book and process and identify you, and then your arraignment day is three to four months from now,” said LAPD Chief Moore.

But Americans aren’t buying it, and they’re pissed that these criminals are being let back out on the street.

That’s especially true when the organized crime aspect of the mass lootings is taken into consideration. As the Daily Mail reports, many of the stolen goods are acquired by the looters on purpose and are then resold by drug dealers and other villains online:

Security experts and officials agree that organized crime networks are responsible for many of the large-scale ‘smash-and-grab’ retail thefts, with syndicates recruiting young, low-level crooks and paying them $500 to $1,000 to steal specific items for resale online.

In one case, federal prosecutors said 70-year-old Robert Whitley, from Atlanta, hired recovering drug addicts to steal more than 140,000 items from stores like Target, CVS and Publix, which he then resold on Amazon, netting $3.5 million in profit

And that brings us back to the issue: the smash and grab lootings in LA. Hundreds of thousands of goods were stolen. Stores were broken into, display cases and windows were smashed, staff were assaulted to the point of having PTSD, one security guard was killed, and many thugs were able to enrich themselves.

And then, when a few suspects were finally caught, the policy let them off for free. Now the police have no one to interrogate, no goods to recover, and store owners are seeing no justice. That sickening injustice is what leftist rule looks like.

By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
