Joe Biden’s ratings are sinking to dangerous lows and it could end up costing Democrats in the 2022 midterm elections.

A Quinnipiac University poll found that Americans are growing frustrated over Biden’s handling of the pandemic, especially as the delta variant.

“With the Delta variant spreading and coronavirus cases once again spiking in the U.S., President Joe Biden maintains a positive grade on his handling of the coronavirus response as Americans approve 53 – 40 percent,” the poll noted.

“However, this is a double-digit drop from a Quinnipiac University poll in May when Americans approved 65 – 30 percent of Biden’s handling of the coronavirus response.”

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The poll asked: “Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling the response to the coronavirus?”

Since May, Biden’s numbers have been dropped a whopping 12 points.

Biden’s approval of handling the coronavirus has gone from 65 percent all the way down to 53 percent.

The Western Journal summarized the findings of the poll:

-Republicans disapproved of Biden on the issue by a margin of 76 percent to 14 percent, with 10 percent of GOP respondents not answering the question.

-Only seven percent of Democrats disapproved of Biden’s handling of COVID, while 92 percent approved and only 1 percent refused to answer the question.

-Fifty-four percent of independent voters said they approved of Biden on COVID, while 39 percent disapproved. Seven percent of unaffiliated voters did not answer one way or the other.

-Seventy-six percent of black respondents said they approved of Biden on his handling of COVID, while 51 percent of Hispanics answered the same way. Fifty percent of white respondents said they approved of Biden on the issue.

“[Biden] has been leading the charge in the battle to beat back COVID, so why is President Biden losing ground with Americans? As the unvaccinated fall victim to the Delta variant, the ‘turning the corner’ optimism from the White House may be starting to ring premature,” Quinnipiac pollster Tim Malloy noted.

Democrats should be very worried that they will lose control of the House in the 2022 midterm elections.

According to a new poll from Democracy Corps, enthusiasm among Republicans to vote in the midterm elections outpaces Democrats by double digits.

The survey found that 68% of Republicans remain engaged ahead of 2022. Meanwhile, Democrats have seen their engagement slip to 57%, an 11-point cushion for the GOP.

The survey also found that Republican voters remain firmly in the camp of Trump, with only 16% of Republicans identifying as “non-Trump conservatives.”

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Only 9% of Republican voters identify themselves as part of the same group in the battleground states, which most likely decide the balance of power.

The survey comes as the GOP is poised to take back the House next November and could even regain control of the Senate.

“Competitive swing districts across the country are the key to Republicans winning back the majority in 2022,” said Sarah Chamberlain, president of the Republican Main Street Partnership. “Voters want good, commonsense, conservative policies, without the noise and rhetoric.”
