Nostalgic Americans who pine for the ‘good ol’ days’ when Joe Biden was a legitimately ‘moderate’, if not all that remarkable, politician need to come to the realization that Joe Biden no longer exists.

Now, that isn’t meant as an assault on his mental faculties, though rational people can and should conclude that he is no longer as ‘fit’ upstairs as he was, say, just four short years ago.

But that reality certainly plays a factor in who Biden appears to be today — that is, a left-wing partisan who appears to have gone all-in with the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wing of the Democrat Party.

When Biden sat down behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office, there was a literal stack of executive orders waiting for him to sign. That in and of itself was nearly unprecedented, but what those orders contained formed the crux of his agenda: All left-wing, all the time. And in a quick minute.

That matters because the encroaching Marxist faction within his party is working feverishly to destroy the remaining cultural and traditional mores of our founding, and that includes the institution of the U.S. military.

In years past, Biden the moderate would have, for instance, recognized one of our military’s greatest achievements — victory on D-Day, June 6, 1944. But the new mind-addled Biden who is obviously being controlled by left-wing extremists behind the scenes chose instead on the 77th anniversary of that great and terrible day to focus on a Marist Party favorite: Gaslighting America.

As Breitbart News reported Monday:

President Joe Biden tweeted a video Sunday of his meeting last week with survivors of the Tulsa Race Massacre, but did not mention that June 6 was also the anniversary of D-Day, the U.S-led invasion of Normandy in the Second World War.

Biden, who appeared to confuse D-Day with Pearl Harbor Day last year on the campaign trail, tweeted: “I met with survivors of the Tulsa Massacre this week to help fill the silence. Because in silence, wounds deepen. And, as painful as it is, only in remembrance do wounds heal.”

He shared a video produced by the White House in which he emphasized the need to tell the truth about America’s past sins: “You can’t pretend it didn’t happen. … It can happen again,” he said.

First and foremost, Biden can barely get through a press conference or a speech because he has obvious difficulty forming sentences and completing thoughts, so there is virtually no chance he wrote that tweet.

Secondly, it’s pretty bad when Biden ‘forgets’ D-Day and his naturally left-wing vice president, Kamala Harris, doesn’t.

Biden’s White House account didn’t even bother to retweet the vice president’s message.

For comparison’s sake, former President Donald Trump remembered and mentioned D-Day each of the four years he was in office. Because MAGA.

He said in 2018: “Today we also mark another milestone, the 74th Anniversary of D-Day, the Allied invasion of Normandy… They gave their heart, their blood, and their very lives on those beaches to drive out the enemy and strike a lasting victory for our country and for freedom.”

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“Since taking office, Biden has emphasized the flaws in American history over the successes,” Breitbart News added.

Because he isn’t ‘Biden.’ He’s merely a vassal of the America-hating Marxists who are really running the White House.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.