One of the most undersold newsworthy achievements of President Donald Trump’s administration was the fact that he created the fastest-growing economy in memory.

And not only was the economy on an upward trajectory before the Chinese COVID virus invaded the U.S. and the world and was politicized by his political enemies to destroy all that he had built, every demographic – men, women, whites, persons of color – were doing better.

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Opportunities abounded, and there is no question they extended to minorities as well – much more so than during the eight years of the country’s first black president, Barack Hussein Obama.

And while most blacks supported Obama’s mind-addled No. 2 on Election Day last month, several prominent black leaders know just how great Donald Trump made America for them and blacks in general.

CNS News has more:

Given the latest employment numbers as reported for November, black activists with Project 21 applauded the Trump administration “for policies that have brought back jobs — particularly in black communities — after businesses were devastated earlier this year by COVID-19 lockdowns,” said the organization in a press release. 

“The news just keeps getting better,” said Project 21 Co-Chairman Horace Cooper. “The free-market policies of President Trump have lowered the unemployment rate at the fastest level in history! The jobless rate dropping from nearly 15% to under 7% in less than a year is stunning.”

“Incredibly, the unemployment rate is now lower than it was during Obama’s entire first term,” said Cooper. “Notably, black Americans lead the employment gains – the exact opposite of the experience of the Obama years.”

The group noted that in November the U.S. economy added 245,000 new jobs, “making it the 7th straight month of declining unemployment since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns.”

The overall unemployment rate was 6.7 percent in November, which is a far cry from the 14.4 percent in April as COVID-related business closures swept across the U.S.


For black workers, the unemployment rate in November 2020 was 10.3%, which is high, but it is down from 16.7% in April 2020, when the effects of the lockdown had kicked in. 

In November 2019, the unemployment rate for black Americans was 5.6%, near the historic low of 5.4% in August 2019. 

“Unemployment continues to decline fastest for those who need jobs the most right now — black Americans, Hispanics and other minorities,” said Project 21 member Donna Jackson.  “These positive jobs numbers represent another example of the Trump Administration’s commitment to the black community.”     

“Even in the face of ill-advised lockdowns, I’m grateful that the White House continues to deliver for all Americans – especially black Americans like me,” she said. 

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“In the black community, total unemployment fell once again by half a percentage point to 10.3%,” said the group in its press release. “Approximately 136,000 blacks entered the workforce in November, and black participation in the workforce increased for the third straight month. More than half of black Americans who were forced out of work by the lockdowns are employed again – far outpacing the progress of the Obama Administration after the 2008 recession.”

Derryck Green, another Project 21 member, added: “The cause of the earlier collapse — and what’s preventing the economy from returning to pre-pandemic levels — has been the destructive and punitive response to COVID-19. Job gains in November showed the economy remains resilient despite the addiction of liberal state governments to socioeconomic lockdowns.”


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.