Polling data for the past year has revealed an interesting trend: Blacks and Hispanics have been trending towards President Donald Trump and, most likely, the Republican Party in general.

Granted, the Democratic Party still ‘owns’ the votes of both of those minority groups, but that’s changing fast, according to more recent polling, along with a lot of anecdotal evidence, such as Maurice Davis.

He’s a 64-year-old lifelong Democrat and Flint, Mich. (hometown of that liberal lunatic Michael Moore) city councilman who is proudly and publicly embracing the Trump/Pence 2020 ticket. 

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In a short speech at a campaign rally headlined by Vice President Mike Pence, Davis pushed back on the lie that it’s President Trump who is ‘full of hate.’

Actually, that’s the Democratic Party – his party, he said.

“Right now the narrative has been spent, President Trump is full of hate. Let me tell you something, the Democrats are full of hate. I have been a democrat all my life, 64 years. The last four years I voted for Hillary Clinton. This year I decided to go with President Trump. I am not a bootlicker, I am not an Uncle Tom,” Davis said. 

“I’m none of those things. I’m somebody that’s in a poor, impoverished community,” he continued — a community long run by (anyone?) Democrats.

“People are losing everything, and when Mr. Trump says ‘What the hell do you got to lose?’, he was talking to me…Only thing Maurice D. Davis got to lose is a council seat at $700 every two weeks. But this is what I got to gain: Instead of being a divided state of America, it’s time to be the United States of America,” he continued.

Meanwhile, video of a black New York City man singing President Trump’s praises has gone viral as well.

“Barry, who are you voting for?” someone off-camera asks the man who appears to be sitting behind the wheel of a parked car.

“Donald J., Don Trump, the Don,” he responded as he was then asked why he supports the president.

“Because he’s the best president since sliced bread,” he said, bursting into laughter.

“Barry, who are you voting for?” someone off-camera asks the man who appears to be sitting behind the wheel of a parked car.

“Donald J., Don Trump, the Don,” he responded as he was then asked why he supports the president.

“Because he’s the best president since sliced bread,” he said, bursting into laughter.

“The man do what he says he’s gonna do,” he added. “Everything the man say he’s gonna do, he do it. Then his sister, his family are trying to put him down. She don’t even know what a great man this man they have in their own damn family!”

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These two examples come on the heels of The Detroit News’ endorsement of black GOP U.S. Senate candidate John James, an Iraq War vet and Michigan businessman who is polling very well against his incumbent Democratic rival.

And finally, there is this: Rasmussen Reports on Thursday tweeted out “Morning Reader Data Points” showing that 31 percent of likely black voters said they would be casting a ballot for The Donald.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.