It’s quite obvious that most blacks with a voice and a following are using them both in the wake of the George Floyd incident to force changes in American society that aren’t really needed because said issues were addressed a very long time ago.

‘Equality,’ for example, is being demanded by people who have yet to tell us what rights they have been denied and what opportunities have been taken from them.

Nevertheless, what’s noteworthy about the renewed activism is that blacks who claim their voices have been suppressed even in the decades following the civil rights movement are now attempting to suppress other black voices simply because they disagree.

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And if that isn’t rank hypocrisy, then there is no such thing.

Taryn Finley, a black writer for HuffPo where she is “Editor of HuffPost Black Voices,” writes that “silence can be violence,” in which she calls for some dissenting celebs to “shut up.”

She writes:

Since the string of police killings that took the lives of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd and others sparked nationwide protests, celebrities and influencers have said some really wild s**t. Their comments range from predictably embarrassing to shockingly ridiculous. Of course, non-Black celebs are saying dumb things on their platforms, too. (See: This incredibly empty gesture featuring white actors including Kristen Bell, Sarah Paulson and Aaron Paul really leaning into their white guilt.) But it’s especially hurtful hearing Black stars say these things during such a critical time. 

She then proceeds to tick off examples of when black stars who are simply voicing their opinions about what happened to Floyd (and the aftermath…think riots and looting) say things that she just doesn’t agree with.

“Celebs making offensive and erroneous claims about Black communities isn’t a new thing, of course. Black folks who identify as LGBTQ often bear the brunt of this,” she wrote without evidence. 

“However, I’m especially fed up with celebrities making dangerous comments about Black lives at this particular moment. It’s frustrating and unproductive. When people with major platforms and millions of followers spew false and harmful rhetoric condemning the movement for Black lives, it has an impact,” she noted.

But wait – who gets to define what ‘rhetoric’ is ‘false and harmful’? Leftists like Finley, of course. 

“The Black community has a special relationship with its stars. We’re constantly rooting for everybody Black loudly and proudly, especially knowing that Black celebs are often robbed of the flowers and recognition that they deserve,” she noted further, again sans any evidence. 

Black people aren’t a monolith, so we can and will have differing opinions. But when your words don’t align with the fight for the same lives who’ve helped build your career, we don’t care to see you cry when you’re canceled,” she writes.

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Translation: ‘When we think it’s okay for other blacks to have differing opinions, we’ll let you know and we’ll give them to you.’

This kind of arrogance should outrage any American, regardless of skin color. 

Because our founders recognized that freedom of speech, thought, and expression were inalienable rights all Americans should enjoy, nobody should be sitting around waiting for a racialist like Taryn Finley to tell them what is okay to think, feel, and say about particular events.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.