Have you heard all about that dangerous, threatening new militia heavily armed with ‘assault weapons’ threatening to burn down courthouses and state capitals?

You would have if they were white, ‘right-wing’ types who were advocating for constitutionalism and liberty. 

But since this particular militia is all black, you’re not going to see or hear much about them from the Left-wing activists in the ‘mainstream media’ who disguise themselves as journalists.

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Led by a radical calling himself “Grandmaster Jay,” the group known as the “Not F**king Around Coalition,” or NFAC, just threatened to return to Louisville, Ky., in a month to destroy parts of the city by fire if they don’t get the “truth” about the death of young EMT Breonna Taylor, who was killed earlier this year by police officers during a no-knock raid.

“Four weeks from today, we’re going to come back here, and we should have an answer. If not, I need y’all to repeat me after me: If we don’t get the truth, the whole truth, and the motherf**king truth, we are, going to, burn this motherf**ker down,” Jay, real name John Fitzgerald Johnson, intoned, asking his followers to repeat his words.

Tweet link: Click here

Translation: If city leaders don’t succumb to Jay’s demands — whatever they may be — then violence is coming. 

And no, Twitter didn’t label the tweet ‘sensitive content’ or a threat, or censor it from its platform. So there’s that.

Ford Fischer, editor of News2Share, quoted the radical in a separate tweet:

“One nation, black power!” 

“Grandmaster Jay” then had new members hold their fists up and chant, “I, [say your name], will never allow the murder of another black man, woman, or child whether the killer is white or black. I am the NFC for life, mother**ker!”

Tweet link: Click here

What does that mean, exactly – they ‘will never allow’ another black murder? Does that mean Jay is going to lead his troops to Chicago, or East St. Louis, or Los Angeles, or Kansas City, or New York City, or a dozen other cities where young, black men are gunning down other black people like it’s their job?

We sort of doubt it.

No, what this is, really, is a new movement of black Leftists who are out to avenge what they believe is the ‘systemic racism’ that is allegedly pervasive throughout American society.

Rational people – and so far, we’re in the majority – know that, while there are bad apples in all ethnic groups, the claim that America is systemically racist against black people is patently false. 

As to Jay’s real motivations, this isn’t his first demonstration.

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Over the July 4 holiday, he led his heavily armed ‘troops’ in a protest march to Georgia’s Stone Mountain, where some of them harassed and intimidated white motorists along the way.

While there, he demanded a “black nation” – Texas.

“We file a declaration of liberation, declaring every African-American descendant of slavery a political prisoner here in the United States, that was affected by the Portuguese slave trade, and after that, the United States then has a choice, either carve us a piece of land out here — we’ll take Texas — and let us do our own thing, or don’t stop us when we exit this body here and go somewhere where they will give us our own land to build our own nation,” Johnson said.

Stay tuned.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.